
虽然我不是文秘专业毕业的,但做了两年的经理助理,有一定的文员,文秘的工作经验。能熟练使用Office、WPS办公自动化软件。对于常用软件都能熟练使用。而且我是机电专业毕业的学生,有一定的机电专业知识,精通AUTO CAD、CAM等画图软件。能够看懂基本的图纸,对一些机械方面的术语并不陌生。
我们的车间正在壮大,机床还会进来很多,人员也会越来越多,所以车间应该有更规范更系统的管理。生产部的主管要统筹安排整个Mechien Shop的生产及行政的安排,但是像每天生产量的报表,每月的报表,考勤,还有车间员工日常需要的物品及上中班晚班的员工的宵夜领取和发放,这些都需要有一个人专门去负责。而我正是这样一个很好的人选。

第1个回答  2007-08-14
The leadership of the distinguished company :
I was a professional mechanical and electrical engineering NC graduates of tertiary institutions. To your company has been working for more than two months, the company's work have had further understanding. The workshop, I was the only one computer will also have English point of staff, has been regarded for some office work, such as : Some statements, such as attendance, the work done to me.
Although I am not a professional secretarial graduate, but do two years of assistant manager, a certain clerical, secretarial work experience. Proficiency Office, WPS office automation software. The software used for telecommunications. But I graduated from the Electrical and Mechanical professional students, a certain electromechanical professional knowledge, and who AUTO CAD, CAM and other drawing software. To understand the basic drawings, some of the machinery is not unfamiliar terminology.
The workshop is growing, and machine tools, will come in many staff will be more and more of a workshop should be more standardized more systematic management. The production's director to co-ordinate the arrangements for the entire Mechien Shop's production and administrative arrangement, but as a day of output statements, monthly statements, the attendance, there are day-to-day workshop staff and the needs of the items on the night shift employees to receive and disseminate a midnight snack, we need to have a dedicated person to be responsible for. And I was a very good candidate.
Therefore, I recommend self-apply to become a full-time production department clerks. Please allow leading companies.
Yours sincerely,
第2个回答  2007-08-14
Dear leadership:
I am an NC graduate of a junior college major in electric machine enginering.Based on the past two months I worked here , I have had a further view to our company. In the plant,I am the only one who knows how to use computer and a bit of English. And the charge have me do some office work,such as report forms, checking on work attendence and so on.
Although I haven't attended secretay course, two years working experience of maneger assistant gives me the ability to master some OA softwares like Office , WPS and other softwares in common use.Furthermore, as I majored in electric machine enginering, I have a profasional knowledge of electric machine and I am good at using ploting softwares like AUTO,CAM,CAD.I'm familiar with enginering terms and reading profesional blueprints is not a problem for me.
Our growing plant ,more and more machine tools and workers,these appeal to more systemic adminstration. The charge of production department is responsible for all the production of Machine Shop and adminstration.As for daily and monthly report forms ,checking on attendce ,daily needed goods and minightsnacks for employees in the plant are such trivalness things that you need a person to deal with them .Surely speaking,I will be the one you are looking for.
So I recommend myself here to be a full time office employee of production department. Please permit my application.

第3个回答  2007-08-14
第4个回答  2007-08-14

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