

第1个回答  2019-01-22


第2个回答  2007-09-09
I'm Fed Up 号称精灵女神
Alizée - I'm fed up

Bubbles and water
Legs up for hours
My goldfish is under me

To bathe for hours
Makes my mouth water
I'm "foamely" ecstatic

It's not a problem
I lazy 'round
Bubbly and subborn
I lazy 'round
Melon and water
Is just a dream
It makes me wonder
Is it a "sin"?

Bubbles and water
Legs up for hours
"Bombs", you keep away from me!

Today lying low
Twisting up my toes
I swim in such harmony

So what bothers me:
I'm fed up with loneliness
With my uncle overstressed
Fumbling, crawling for something
That never shows, just a dream.
I'm fed up with creeps crying
Over the past, such a sin
Not to be cool, but a fool
If I could mess up their rules.
I'm fed up with your complaints
Baby, well I'm not a saint!
Fed up with the rain, the plane...
That makes me throw up again.
I'm fed up with all cynics
Bathing caps and all critics
I'm fed up with being fed up!
Poor me!

Bubbles and water
Legs up for hours
My goldfish still under me!

Delight of pleasures
Aquatic treasures
A place out of misery, my fantasy
I'm fed up with loneliness
With my uncle overstressed
Fumbling, crawling for something
That never shows, just a dream.
I'm fed up with creeps crying
Over the past, such a sin
Not to be cool, but a fool
If I could mess up their rules.
I'm fed up with your complaints
Baby, well I'm not a saint!
Fed up with the rain, the plane...
That makes me throw up again.
I'm fed up with all cynics
Bathing caps and all critics
I'm fed up with being fed up!
Poor me!

I'm fed up with loneliness
With my uncle overstressed
Fumbling, crawling for something
That never shows, just a dream.
I'm fed up with creeps crying
Over the past, such a sin
Not to be cool, but a fool
If I could mess up their rules.
I'm fed up with your complaints
Baby, well I'm not a saint!
Fed up with the rain, the plane...
That makes me throw up again.
I'm fed up with all cynics
Bathing caps and all critics
I'm fed up with being fed up!本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2007-09-09
法国小天后Alizee唱的<I'm Fed Up>

1. 歌名:《失去爱的城市》2. 情节:在一个陌生的城市,主人公背起行囊,寻找曾经的山盟海誓。3. 突袭:主人公突然出现,本想给对方惊喜,却发现对方还未清理她的气息。4. 暴风雨:转眼间,窗外下起倾盆大雨,似乎预示着这场爱情的结局。5. 冷漠:你冷漠的表情,那样的清晰,原来刻骨的爱竟已过...


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这首歌叫《骆驼之歌》。《骆驼之歌》是韦唯演唱的歌曲,由徐沛东作曲,陈晓东作词。以下是歌曲的相关介绍:音乐是一种艺术形式和文化活动,其媒介是按时组织的、有规律的声波(机械波的一种)。它的基本要素包括强弱、调性、时长、音色等。由这些基本要素相互结合,形成 音乐的常用的“形式要素”,例如...


这首曲子出自1968年版的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(这首曲子原为该电影的主题曲,名为《A Time For Us》,填词后的歌曲名为《What is a Youth》,后来被改编为各种版本的曲子,冠名《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。附歌词:"What is a Youth"Lyrics by Eugene Walter Music by Nino Rota Vocal by Glen Weston What...


你好!你找的歌曲应该是Enrique Iglesias 演唱的《 Why Not Me》附完整歌词:Escaping nights without you with shadows on the wall My mind is running wild trying hard not to fall You told me that you love me but say I'm just a friend My heart is broken up into pieces 'Cause I...

这首歌曲叫《Hey jude》。《Hey Jude》是The Beatles(披头士乐队)成员Paul McCartney(保罗·麦卡特尼)创作的歌曲,于1968年8月26日发行。后还收录于披头士乐队于1970年02月26日发行的精选集《The Beatles》中。以下是音乐的相关介绍:歌曲的音乐内涵首先要确立旋律与节奏的关系。传统作曲教材中都有这样...

歌名:红日 演唱:李克勤 填词:李克勤 作曲:立川俊之 歌词:命运就算颠沛流离 命运就算曲折离奇 命运就算恐吓着你做人没趣味 别流泪 心酸 更不应舍弃 我愿能 一生永远陪伴你 命运就算颠沛流离 命运就算曲折离奇 命运就算恐吓着你做人没趣味 别流泪 心酸 更不应舍弃 我愿能 一生永远陪伴你 哦~~一生...
