急急急急急急!请高手帮我翻译这个推荐信吧!急急急急急啊 ,可能有些长,谢了!


Distinguished professor:

Very glad to recommend as her teacher here I express to the attached to his dream girl admired her. I is microcosmic economics teacher, but also she is professional: International Economic and Trade Department director.

We started to contact in a second half of the semester. I don't think, this time with class class will not like what is happening, but it happened. Every class she loved to sit in the front row, and then often put forward some beyond my class content issues. Gradually, I was attracted by the girl, she is smart, flexible, agile, I like to be.

Then, we often class Q & A, private communication, in a casual conversation, I know she always wanted is to study mathematics, college entrance examination, five schools first aspiration is a mathematics.

As a mother, I have a daughter and her age, year in and my daughter together with a selection of volunteer time, she said firmly, I just learn their favorite professional, so I know the feeling, but selfishly, I also hope that she stay in our professional, after all, I believe she can learn very well, so I suggested she listen to these professional course. But a few days later, she told me, she decided to go, she said:" I can't let myself regret." I really see this girl has much attachment.

I know he is not the only student. She is the class representative of the mathematics class, I never doubted her learning attitude. Of course, she will be singing, dancing, planning large-scale party be arranged in good order. I don't know of their favorite things, where does she come so full of enthusiasm.

Remember our school organized a large-scale Choral Competition, all members of professional teachers to participate in, knowing that there is a coordination of rehearsal time was a headache, and she told us to 100 to number one on that day and become the focus of the game. I have talked with his parents, know that parents are doing business, rarely at home, she is also a person can own restaurant one family life.

If I were to use a few words to describe this student, clever, capable, dedication, beautiful, I think no more appropriate.

Of course, for she wanted to apply mathematics, I have some words to say, this professional while others look is a practical not strong subject, but this major holding potential is boundless huge, both economic and financial, computer, construction or any industry, any one can from mathematical and complete portal. Unfortunately, nowadays China in this foundation disciplines of education some is too rigid, did not give the students necessary thinking space, I want to go to USA study abroad is very necessary and the correct choice.

I contact the student is very much also, some in the domestic development more suitable, some should to see the world, I am sure she is the latter. I'm not worried about her because of language problems and cannot survive in a foreign country, but there is a fly in the ointment, compared with other students, I'm afraid she might seem shy and innocent.

But she has enough courage and perseverance, strong enough, I know her, so that she will continue to spur their own future, a target man is the most terrible, isn't it?

Finally, I sincerely hope that you will be considered for the students, cultivate, she is a rare students. I believe you will not regret it. Thank you very much you can read this letter, thank you!

第1个回答  2011-09-09
Dear Professor:
Very pleased as her teacher recommended this in here to express my dream girl obsessed with their own appreciation of the situation I was her micro-economics teacher, she is also where professional - Department of International Economic and Trade department.
We came into contact with the lower half of the freshman semester. I did not actually think that this lesson with the class what a different story, but it happened. Each class she loved sitting in the front row, and then some beyond my regular classes of content. Gradually, I was attracted to this girl, she was intelligent, flexible, agile, I like incredible.
So, we often class Q, private communication, in a casual conversation, I understand her desire has been to study mathematics, college entrance examination, five schools are first choice math.
As a mother, I have a similar age and her daughter, when my daughter in and choose volunteer, she said firmly, I only learn their favorite professional, so I understand this feeling, but for selfish reasons I hope she stay in our profession, after all, I believe she can learn very well, so I suggested that she listen to these specialized courses. But after some days, she told me that she decided to go abroad, she said: "I can not feel sorry." I really understand how this girl persistent.
I know he is not the only kind of learning students. She is representative of the class math class, I never doubt her attitude toward learning. Of course, she will be singing, dancing, party planning large-scale organized. I do not know of their favorite things, where she came so full of enthusiasm.
Remember our school organized a large-scale choral competitions, including all members of the professional requirements of teachers to participate, to know that only a coordinated rehearsal time are headache, she made us number one in a hundred students and teachers became the entire day The focus of the game. I have talked with his parents, know parents are doing business, rarely at home, she could own a food a person's life.
If I use a few words to describe this student's words, smart, capable, dedicated, beautiful, I do not think of a more appropriate than these.
Of course, she wanted to apply mathematics, I also have something to say, the profession although others do not appear to be a strong practical subjects, but the profession is held by the endless huge potential, both economic and financial, computers, construction industry, or anything else, any one can not escape into mathematics and self portal. Unfortunately, China is now the basic sciences in the education of this a little too rigid and did not give students the necessary space of thinking, I want to study in the United States is necessary and the right choice.
I also very much contact with students, some are more suitable for development in the country, and some should go abroad to see the world, I am sure she is the latter. I do not worry about her because of language problems and can not survive in a foreign country, but the drawback is that, compared to other students, I worry that she will become shy and tender.
But her enough courage and perseverance, strong enough, I know her, so we know she will continue to push their own future, a goal are the most terrible, is not it?
Finally, I sincerely hope you will be considered for this student, nurture, she is a rare student. I believe you will not regret it. Thank you very much to read this letter of recommendation, thank you
第2个回答  2011-09-07



好的,千万别用楼上那个,一看就是机器译的- -
