
6. Acceptance conditions.
6.1. Acceptance of quality and quantity will be made by Buyer in Seller’s representative’s (or carrier) presence when the Goods arrive to Irkutsk.
6.2. If there is fixed violation of Good’s quality or short quantity, the Buyer and Seller’s representative (or carrier) draw up a record and present a claim for replacement.
6.3. The Seller is responsible for all defects of Goods, which have been arisen after the Seller transfers Goods to the Buyer, but if the reason of defect has been before that and the Buyer presents a claim within 6 months after transfer of Goods.
6.4. The Seller has to make up for the deficiency and change poor quality’s Goods for good quality’s Goods immediately.

6. Acceptance conditions.
6.1. Acceptance of quality and quantity will be made by Buyer in Seller’s representative’s (or carrier) presence when the Goods arrive to Irkutsk.
6.2. If there is fixed violation of Good’s quality or short quantity, the Buyer and Seller’s representative (or carrier) draw up a record and present a claim for replacement.
6.3. The Seller is responsible for all defects of Goods, which have been arisen after the Seller transfers Goods to the Buyer, but if the reason of defect has been before that and the Buyer presents a claim within 6 months after transfer of Goods.
6.4. The Seller has to make up for the deficiency and change poor quality’s Goods for good quality’s Goods immediately.
第1个回答  2011-08-04
6.1。 接受质量和数量将由买方在卖方代表的(或公司)存在当货物到达伊尔库茨克州。
6.2。 如果有固定的好质量的违反或短量,买方和卖方的代表(或公司)起草一份记录,并提出一个要求更换。
6.3。 卖方负责所有的缺陷的商品,这已经出现在卖方转移给买方货物,但如果缺陷的原因之前,并且买方提出索赔后,应于六个月内将货物转让。
6.4。 卖方必须弥补不足之处和改变质量差的货物以优质的质量的货物立即。
第2个回答  2011-08-04
6.1、 接受质量和数量将由买方在卖方代表的(或公司)存在当货物到达伊尔库茨克州。
6.2、 如果有固定的好质量的违反或短量,买方和卖方的代表(或公司)起草一份记录,并提出一个要求更换。
6.3、 卖方负责所有的缺陷的商品,这已经出现在卖方转移给买方货物,但如果缺陷的原因之前,并且买方提出索赔后,应于六个月内将货物转让。
6.4、 卖方必须弥补不足之处和改变质量差的货物以优质的质量的货物立即。
第3个回答  2011-08-04
自己去金山在线翻译翻把 也可以去有道.