英语幽默短剧剧本The Pocket Money Scene1(At Salesman’s home)N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman. He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. He has a lot of money now. But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu …… He i...
暴笑+老师好评~~~Performance @ College : Story of Johnny and Lunch (孔雀东南飞现代搞笑版)Characters:Prologue (J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一个纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪)J: Everybody says that I'm henpecked, but in fact, I'm as strong as a tiger. (Whisper)While my wife is Wu ...
英语短剧剧本The Pocket Money Characters: Narrator(N),Salesman(S),Dad(D),Maggi(M), Alice(A), Candy(C), Policeman(P) Preparation:学校布景,做糖果用桌及相关材料,小贩家布景 Scene1(At Salesman’s home) N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty sale sman. He always makes unhe...
天啊,这么臭气熏天啊? 谁没冲厕所呀?B: (reading a book silently)(静静地看书)A: Bob, is that you again?Bob, 又是你干的好事?B: what? what about me?什么? 我又怎么了?A: You didn't flush the toilet.你用了厕所没冲!B: I did.我冲了.A: No. you didn't. The stinky ...
Female student A:,Female student B,Female student C,Boy A: Wang Chiang-rui Boy B,Old woman,Scene One (Three female students are chatting on a bus. Because all the seats are taken, they are standing, holding onto some plastic rings hanging down from the bus roof. Two boys ...
急!!!需一篇龟兔赛跑的英语短剧(适合高中学生) 任务设定在4人,在高中的水平,时间5分中左右,不要太短,幽默点,不要犯语法错误要有对话啊... 任务设定在4人,在高中的水平,时间5分中左右,不要太短,幽默点,不要犯语法错误要有对话啊 展开 我来答 3...
Okay, next show will tell you the truth. 闻名遐迩的刀客,荆轲先生,被委以刺杀秦始皇嬴政的任务。但最终还是失败鸟。你想知道当时的情形如何吗?好,下面的我们将给你呈现当时真实的一幕。Action I 太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man...
出门时 一个看门人发现了他们 喝斥他们怎么可以那么晚还在学校逗留。孩子们撒腿就跑 小B特地注意了一下门口的石像 没错 眼睛还是朝左看得 “骗人的”他嘀咕了一声 “喂 小B么?小C昨天晚上和你们一起出去玩 怎么还没回来?”第二天早上 小C的妈妈打电话过来询问。 小C也没有去学校上课 孩子们隐约...
求初中英语短剧剧本,4到8个角色,8分钟左右...内容要吸引人,可以搞笑一 ...
说明:中间一小部分非常简单,怕你急用,就没翻译,如有需要,可在线交谈。我们刚演过的,效果很好哦!<<灰姑娘>>剧本英汉对照版:[旁白]Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her ...