

第1个回答  2014-04-23
Advantages: a wide field of vision, the Internet is an information rich encyclopedic world, a large amount of information, information exchange speed, degree of freedom, the global information sharing, students can get their needs on the Internet, browse on the Internet world, understand the world, understand the world the latest news and information, scientific and technological development, greatly broaden the students' vision, great convenience and fun to learn, life. Two, strengthen foreign exchange network to create a new virtual world, in this new world, every member can restrict beyond time and space, very convenient and met or not met the people contacts and exchanges, to discuss topics of common interest, because the network communication, to avoid the "virtual" people facing the friction and damage communication, and thus provides a new exchange places for people to emotional needs met and access to information. Temporal and spatial domain high school students online can be further expansion of external exchanges, communication, the liberalization of friends. At the same time, the current high school students to more than one child, the more lonely at home, psychologically that is the most eager to communicate with people. Real life interaction may give them especially the pressure within the character of people, the network gives them a new interaction space and the relatively loose, equal environment. Three, to promote the students' individual development of the world is rich and colorful, human development should also be rich and colorful. The Internet provides the infinite variety of opportunities for the development of the environment. Students can find their developing direction, also can obtain development resources and power. The use of the Internet can learn, study and innovation, so that the learning is the most effective learning. Multitude of knowledge network for learning, the students of the long-span Association and imagination provides a very wide field of creative thinking, to continue to transport nutrients, some computer games can strengthen the students in a certain degree of logical thinking ability. Four, expand the space for the middle school students. Education: a life, Internet on young people's outlook, values and world view formed a potential threat. The Internet is a boundless "net", although the rich are numerous, uneven, some good and some bad, young people on the Internet have frequent contact with Western propaganda and rhetoric, culture and ideology, which makes the precipitation China traditional culture idea in their head and the mainstream ideology in China form the conflict, so that the values of young people inclined, and even blindly follow the west. If things go on like this, our young people for life and ideology will play a role of influence character by environment, for the country's political stability is obviously a great potential threat. Two, the Internet makes many young people addicted to the virtual world, detached from reality, but also to make some young people abandoned their studies. Different from the real social life, young people face in the Internet is a virtual world, it not only meets the needs of young people as soon as possible hold all kinds of information, communication also gives the left a vast space for imagination, but do not have to bear the pressure in real life and responsibility. These characteristics of the virtual world, so many young people would rather indulge in a day of virtual environment and not willing to face the reality of life. Accessing the Internet without a limit on the daily study and life have a huge impact, severe or even abandoned their studies. Three, hazards and threats of bad information in the Internet and cyber crime on young people's health and safety. At present, the network focused on youth harm to two points, one is the implementation of certain people, such as fraud or sexual abuse crime; harm another side is yellow garbage on youth. According to the expert survey, non academic information on the Internet, there are 47% and pornography, network make pornographic content more easily spread. According to incomplete statistics, 60% of young people are exposed to online yellow information unintentionally, but young people are often less self-control out of curiosity or impulse and look for similar information, so deep. The survey also showed, in contact with the network pornographic content in youth, there are more than 90% sexual crime or motives(利:一、开阔视野 因特网是一个信息极其丰富的百科全书式的世界,信息量大,信息交流速度快,自由度强,实现了全球信息共享,中学生在网上可以随意获得自己的需求,在网上浏览世界,认识世界,了解世界最新的新闻信息,科技动态,极大地开阔了中学生的视野,给学习、生活带来了巨大的便利和乐趣。 二、加强对外交流 网络创造了一个虚拟的新世界,在这个新世界里,每一名成员可以超越时空的制约,十分方便地与相识或不相识的人进行联系和交流,讨论共同感兴趣的话题,由于网络交流的“虚拟”性,避免了人们直面交流时的摩擦与伤害,从而为人们情感需求的满足和信息获取提供了崭新的交流场所。中学生上网可以进一步扩展对外交流的时空领域,实现交流、交友的自由化。同时现在的中学生以独生子女为多,在家中比较孤独,从心理上说是最渴望能与人交往的。现实生活中的交往可能会给他们特别是内向性格的人带来压力,网络给了他们一个新的交往空间和相对宽松、平等的环境。 三、促进中学生个性化发展 世界是丰富多彩的,人的发展也应该是丰富多彩的。因特网就提供了这个无限多样的发展机会的环境。中学生可以在网上找到自己发展方向,也可以得到发展的资源和动力。利用因特网就可以学习、研究乃至创新,这样的学习是最有效率的学习。网上可供学习的知识浩如烟海,这给中学生进行大跨度的联想和想象提供了十分广阔的领域,为创造性思维不断地输送养料,一些电脑游戏在一定程度上能强化中学生的逻辑思维能力。 四、拓展当今中学生受教育的空间 弊:一,互联网对青少年的人生观、价值观和世界观形成的构成潜在威胁。互联网是一张无边无际的"网",内容虽丰富却庞杂,良莠不齐,青少年在互联网上频繁接触西方国家的宣传论调、文化思想等,这使得他们头脑中沉淀的中国传统文化观念和我国主流意识形态形成冲突,使青少年的价值观产生倾斜,甚至盲从西方。长此以往,对于我国青少年的人生观和意识形态必将起一种潜移默化的作用,对于国家的政治安定显然是一种潜在的巨大威胁。 二,互联网使许多青少年沉溺于网络虚拟世界,脱 离现实,也使一些青少年荒废学业。与现实的社会 生活不同,青少年在网上面对的是一个虚拟的世界, 它不仅满足了青少年尽早尽快占有各种信息的需要, 也给人际交往留下了广阔的想象空间,而且不必承 担现实生活中的压力和责任。虚拟世界的这些特点, 使得不少青少年宁可整日沉溺于虚幻的环境中而不 愿面对现实生活。而无限制地泡在网上将对日常学 习、生活产生很大的影响,严重的甚至会荒废学业。 三,互联网中的不良信息和网络犯罪对青少年的身心健康和安全构成危害和威胁。当前,网络对青少年的危害主要集中到两点,一是某些人实施诸如诈骗或性侵害之类的犯罪;另一方 面就是黄色垃圾对青少年的危害。据有关专家调查,因特网上非学术性信息中,有47%与色情有关, 网络使色情内容更容易传播。据不完全统计,60%的青少年虽然是在无意中接触到网上黄色信息的,但自制力较弱的青少年往往出于好奇或冲动而进一步寻找类似信息,从而深陷其中。调查还显示,在接触过网络上色情内容的青少年中,有90%以上有性犯罪行为或动机)如果觉得太多可以删掉一些,望采纳!