

第1个回答  2015-04-15
要成为一名合格的服装设计师,必须通过两至三年的专业知识学习,不光要充分掌握颜色、布料、服装工艺等基础知识;具备设计、画图、打版、缝纫等基本技能,还要有敏锐的时尚触觉,有独特的设计理念,了解国内外新产品开发状况,要对市场因素、服装营销、流行趋势以及时装发布会流程等都要有很深的认识。 第一条: 不可抄袭他人之创意,不论有何前提; Not to copy other?ˉs creative work, under no circumstances; 第二条: 不可过分依赖电脑技术,切记,你是一名设计师,不是一名电脑修图员; Not to rely completely on computer technology, it is a tool only and cannot substitute your creativity. Remember, you are a designer, not a computer graphic editor; 第三条: 不可一直追随流行设计风格,现在流行的,必是马上过时的; Be a creator and not a fashion-follower because a trendy style today would become an out-dated one tomorrow; 第四条: 各用10%的精力涉足十门设计学科,不如用100%的精力涉足于一门学科; Trying ten design fields simultaneously but badly is worst than concentrating on onefield and master it; 第五条: 不可将自己都认为有问题的作品向公众发表; Be professional and not to release any art works that you don?ˉt like; 第六条: 不可因低价商业项目,而放低对作品的要求; Not to lower the quality in view of low business value of an art work; 第七条: 不可凭主观意识评价他人作品;不可人云亦云; Not to criticize other?ˉs artwork merely on the ground of one?ˉs preferences nor just replicate comment from someone; 第八条: 不可闭门造车;了解一些历史、哲学和人文,将对你的作品大有好处; Not to create artwork without any ground. Great works usually come from the understanding of the culture, history and philosophy; 第九条: 不论身份高低,须保持歉虚的态度; Keep yourself modest to people, no matter you are just a novice or a master; 第十条: 永远坚信:设计可以拯救你的国家,可以改变世界。