
主题是关于 家庭成员。家庭生活。大学校园。大学生活。对英语的看法。对家乡的热爱。高中生活。兴趣爱好。自我介绍。等方面的 ,每个主题一篇文章,只要顺口即可,字数在100到200之间。

第1个回答  2013-07-30
College student's financial management(这个topic该对你有用,自己删减哈)College students are a special consumer group. As a result of their educational background, campus environment and the special psychological characteristics of age, they have their own unique consumer psychology and consumer behaviour.So it's necessary for college students to master the skills of financial management so that they can make full use of the money.

When it comes to the financial management,the most important thing,I think,is frugality.Now with the change of consumption habits,the conception that"if the old things wouldn't gone,the new things won't come"has replaced the traditional virtue of frugality.And coupled with the attractive advertisment, and readily available bank loans, people get busy with purchasing.Absolutely,the college students are not excepted.And many of them become the slave of the credit card because they sometimes spent a lot of money on the luxury which the adults even can't afford .I have no ideas what they should do if they have no ability to pay off the arrearage.So I want to say,when your happiness disappears as a result of debts,it's time to save your money.You should control your desire first of all.And of course,you are expected to understand your money is from your parents,which is not easy to earn.Perhaps one day,you went to the counter of luxury,and spended 500 yuan on a small bottle of perfume,the Chanel No.5 for example,you think it's worthy because of your vanity, you don't know that maybe your parents can use these money for a week.So,be economical,get away with the luxury,you will find your life can also be beautiful.

Of course,it's not enough just to save money if you want to be a student financial expert.You are also advised to do some small investment,medical insurance for instance.A clever person always put his sight on the future more than now.The money you own now will bring you more money in the future if you invest correctly.So it's necessary to master a certain amount of financial knowledge,which can make you rich among your classmates .Although,you should make sure that the mobility of your money is good.If you use all your money on investment ,that will be silly.

No matter how your money is used,it's necessary too keep accounts.Accounting and budgeting is the most important thing to control your spending.As a contemporary college student,you should use the financial knowledge you learned at university to serve for yourself.Applying what you learned to the practice is a good way to take advantage of the identity of a college student.If you are clear about your expenditures,you will have a more reasonable distribution system of money.

So,that's my advice for the matter of college students financial management.And I believe that as long as you pay attention to every detail,you will be better at financial management.