

第1个回答  2013-08-12
要问我是怎样爱你的,其实我也不知道。我只知道当我发现爱上你的时候,我以不能自拔了。 现在我才发现,爱上你真的是件很痛苦的事。你知道吗?世界上最远的距离不是生死相隔,不是天各一方,而是我就站在你面前你却不知道我爱你!不是我不想告诉你我的心情,只是每次我想说的时候我都退却了。因为我知道你的心里没有我。一点点都没有。你知道吗?当你向我好朋友表白的时候我哭了。我哭得很伤心。没人知道。也不知道是不是上天在折磨我,为什么你表白的时候我要在场?为什么我还要做出若无其事的样子走开?为什么?为什么?……有那么多的为什么,可是却没有人告诉我答案.也许我们真的不适合,我们分开吧。。。 Asked how I love you, but I don't know. I only know when I found in love with you, I cannot extricate oneself. Now I discovered that the love you really is very painful. You know what? The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death be apart, not separate far away, but I stand in front of you yet you don't know that I love you! Not that I don't want to tell you my mood, but every time I want to say I am retreat. Because I know your heart without me. A little all have no. You know what? When you ask my good friend to vindicate when I cry. I cried so sad. Nobody knows. Don't know if it god in torment me, why you vindicate when I will present? Why should I make innocent look away? Why? Why? ... There are so many why, but no one told me the answer. Perhaps we really doesn't fit, we separate now...
第2个回答  2013-08-12
您好,[HS~贝亚娜]很高兴为您回答。Dear XXX, You know that I love you to the end of time,I never cheat your heart .The love is expensive,so I will treasure it.I hope that you will understand my love. Yesterday a man told me that you are good girl ! I am very amazed ! Who is him ? He is kewpie at fact.,I love you and lose you at no time ! Maybe a bird could miss a tree, maybe a tourer could miss a train, maybe sun could miss day,maybe moon could miss night,but I miss you at no time!Because I love to the end of time!I love nobady except you! I know our future way is muddy ,But I dare face it out ! My life with you is tough,but I never regret .Please believe me,I will prove my love! 亲爱的XXX: 你是知道的我会永远地爱你,我从不会欺骗你的心,这爱如此的昂贵,所以我会珍惜,我希望你能明白我的爱。昨天有一个人告诉我你是一个不错的女孩,我非常惊奇,他是谁? 其实他就是丘比特!我爱你,我决不能失去你,也许小鸟可以错过大树,也许旅行者可以错过火车,也许太阳可以错过白天,也许月亮可以错过夜晚,但我决不能错过你,因为我爱你爱到时间的尽头!我决不会爱上出您以外的任何人 ! 我知道我们的路是泥泞的,但我会敢于将他面临到底,我与你的生活是艰难的,但我决不会后悔!请相信我, 我会证明我的爱!