









Depth reports are different from general information transmission means the special report. The so-called "special", refers to it in a different frame of reference information, the value of its specific goals. That is why, on their own body building, it also formed a corresponding set of special topics planning ideas, methods and language, and showed in the interview, writing, editing and even the operating mechanism of the media at all levels.

First, the value of planning topics targeted

Learn from the planning point of view, the so-called planning, refers to the established goals as a starting point, according to the analysis of relevant information, develop strategies and specific implementation details in order to achieve the goal; It also includes the implementation of the results of the assessment, planning to prepare for the future , And other reference significance. Planning by the general plan, based on planning, planning tools, planning targets, planning evaluation, and other factors pose.

Depth reports the characteristics of its first decision is a deep-level mining news. In other words, it is not merely an event or phenomenon on the record or described, we must also explore the reasons for this incident, the results or even the future trend. This is the depth of coverage must be the basic premise of planning topics. In addition, the choice is also planning to best effect as the starting point for the positioning of the characteristics of their own value. In my view, in-depth reports said the news in addition to the usual five elements, the "value" characteristics include:

1, the uniqueness of the facts. News For audiences, there is a "novelty law," the more unique personality, beyond the scope of people's experiences, their capacity to attract "eyeball" the more interest is strong. While this can be classified in terms of logic, but it is not the last incident in the plane of duplication, but the amount of its accumulated significant, especially beyond the conventional process progressive. In real life, these incidents or issues may change some regions, the situation of the crowd, leaving things the development of new records;

2, to cover a wide range of concerns. Depth reports that the concerns of the object, usually the community has a broad power, or to remind people of concern to the common interests of mankind, or to awaken people's conscience, or easily arouse people's common interests. The audience is not measured by region, country and even in the world scale to measure;

3, the future influence. In-depth reports of the incident in addition to the political, economic and social impact of the development process, but also in the existing system, regulate, order a shock, the community of ideas, concepts, moral, ethical and other aspects of reflection;

4, repetitive declaration. The so-called repetitive declaration "refers to the latest report of the important content or part of the contents of the report to repeat the past. This is not to repeat caused by the negligence, but by deliberate, intended to declare a clear intent, the facts are not news focus The first occurred, and in fact has been the continuation of this point in time, because this point in time the social background of the new. "[1]

Depth reports, in essence, is a kind of "Viewpoint News" and topics from the planning point of view, it also depends on the realization of "Viewpoint" and the discovery of "Viewpoint" positioning. The former mainly for screening and to explore the theme of the issue, which is the main theme of dealing with the problem and ways of thinking.