

中国的:According to folk myths and legends of ancient disc Archaea in the dark group, he can't stand the darkness, with the axe to split the party, gradually making the lofty sky, the earth is vast.He is not the heaven and earth to merge, continue to cast spells.When Pan Gu body grown a foot, the sky is increased, a ruler, after 18000 years of hard work, he became a giant of indomitable spirit, while the sky will rise and can not be HISTEP earth also becomes thick, very.He had completed the creation of the world's great performance, left us inexhaustible treasure forever after death, become the Chinese nation's hero.(据民间神话传说古时盘古生在黑暗团中,他不能忍受黑暗,用神斧劈向四方,逐渐使天空高远,大地辽阔。他为不使天地会重新合并,继续施展法术。每当盘古的身体长高一尺,天空就随之增高一尺,经过1.8万多年的努力,盘古变成一位顶天立地的巨人,而天空也升得高不可及,大地也变得厚实无比。盘古生前完成开天辟地的伟大业绩,死后永远留给后人无穷无尽的宝藏,成为中华民族崇拜的英雄。)外国的:
In Greek mythology, Jose and Poseidon, Hades, days after Hera are brother and sister.His father Cronus are afraid of their children to overthrow Zeus, the brother and sister is born, Kronos is the one they swallowed into the stomach.Jose was the only one who was his mother rocks changed secretly, hidden in a cave.Jose is fairy raised in there, after growing up, overthrew the rule of his father, and he spit swallow children.Jose and Poseidon, Hades brothers three people to carve up the world, Jose has become the gods, to throw lightning, and clouds, his hands shield, mighty storm suddenly attack.(在希腊的神话传说中,宙斯与海神波塞冬、冥王哈得斯、天后赫拉等是同胞兄妹。他父亲克罗诺斯怕被自己的子女推翻,宙斯的兄妹一生下,克罗诺斯就把他们一个个吞到肚里。只有宙斯一人被他母亲有石头偷换出来,藏进一个山洞。宙斯在那里受到仙女的抚养,长大后推翻了父亲的统治,并要他吐出吞进肚里的孩子。宙斯和波塞冬、哈得斯兄弟三人瓜分了世界,宙斯成了天神,能够抛掷闪电,聚散乌云,一挥手中的盾牌,暴风骤雨就会突然发作。)