
1.我们有多种方法来达到目标。(a variety of)
2.索菲亚在练了10年的小提琴之后,开始练钢琴。(move on)
3.不管什么原因,很多人都爱来这里提高语言技能。(whatever the reason,polish)

This gap is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated well-off and the unskilled poor that is slicintg through all age groups.(最后一个is slicing...的主语是什么?)
这种鸿沟是受过良好教育的富裕阶层和毫无工作技能的穷人之间日益加深的差异的一部分,在各个年龄段中都存在。is slicing的主语是that。这是一个定语从句,修饰divide.
2.But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the idle old misses a new trend,the growing gap between the skilled and the unskilled.
但是在工作的年轻人和闲下来的老人之间的巨大差异这个概念忽略了一个新的趋势,即技术人士和非技术人士之间不断加深的鸿沟。3.In the lexicon of popular hate-figures,work-shirking welfare queens breeding at the taxpayer's expense may be replaced by deadbeat grandads collecting taxpayer handouts while their hard-working contemporaries strive on.
4.Welfare should reflect the greater opportunities open to the higher-skilled.
5.......,so that more people acquire the skills they need to thrive in the modern labour market.

第1个回答  2012-12-06
1、We have a variety of ways to reach the target.
2、After having practised playing the violin for ten years,Sopher moves on to practise playing the piano.
3、Whatever the reason is,many people love to come here to polish their language skills.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-01-01
1. 这是你自己的错,不要将工作的失败归咎于别人。
This is your fault and don't attribute the failure in work to others.
2. 你负责决定要还是不要它。
It all depends on you to accept or refuse it.
3. 中国是一个人口众多的发展中国家。
China is a developing country with a large population.
4. 移动电话正在成为21世纪一个主要的技术领域。
The mobile phone is becoming a main technical area in the 21st century.
5. 我父亲听从医生的劝告,把烟戒了。
My father has listened to the doctor's advice and quit smoking.
6. 目前,他们正展开调查,以弄清这次事故的原因。
At the moment, the investigation is being carried out by them to figure out the reason that caused the accident.
7. 自从公司迁到这个地区以来,已有十几台电脑被窃,公司决定采取措施制止偷窃。
Since the company was trasferred to this region, about ten computers have been stolen. So the company has decided to take measures to prevent the stealing behaviors.
8. 假如你要把财产转让给他人,须使他成为合法产权人。
If you want to transfer your fortune to the others, he has to become the legal person for inhabitating the fortune.
3. 形势要求政府立即做出反应,否则,重大损失将不可避免。
The situation requires the government to make quick response, otherwise great loss can not be avoided.
4. 尽管医生警告,他还是不停地抽烟。
Despit of the warning of the doctor, he still smokes with no stopping.
5. 你可以开车,不过你得答应我开车时小心点儿。
You can drive the car, but you have to promise me that be careful when you drive.
6. 只要你继续努力, 你就一定会成功。
As long as you insist on working hard, you are certain to succeed.
7. 尽管交通拥堵,他还是按时赶到办公室开会。
Despite of the traffic jam, he still gets to the office for meeting on time.
8. 我们不应该嘲笑犯错误的人。
Never should we laugh at the person who makes mistakes.
第3个回答  2011-01-01
1. This is your own fault, not will work the failure on others.
2. You are responsible for decided to or not to it.
3. China is a developing country with a large population.
4. Mobile phones are becoming the 21st century a major technical areas.
5. My father follow the doctor's advice, given up smoking.
6. At present, they are investigating to determine the cause of the accident.
7. Since the company moved to this area since, there are more than ten computer stolen, the company decided to take measures to stop stealing.
8. If you want to transfer the property to others, shall make him a lawful property.

3. The situation requires the government to respond immediately, otherwise, heavy losses will be inevitable.
4. Although the doctor warned, he just kept on smoking.
5. You may drive, but you have to promise me to be careful when driving.
6. As long as you continue to work hard, you will be successful.
7. Despite the traffic jam, he still arrive at office conference.
8. We should not laugh at those who have made mistakes.
第4个回答  2010-07-25

1.Supermarkets are trying out new computers that make shopping carts more intelligent.


2.I stayed on the job for five months,all the while hating the difficulty of the work,the poor money,and the conditions under which I worked.By the time I left,I was determined never to go back there again.


3.The steel floors of the trucks were like ice,which made my feet like stone.


4.They figure out that the area where summer temperatures can fall to -40℃,has at least 900,000 years of snowfalls,kept as neatly as the growth rings of a tree.
