

第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-25
Many people ask why we should learn English.Now,I want to share my opinions about it.First,English is used widely all over the world.Many countrys like United Kingdom,United State,Australia use English as their First language,and some countrys like India make English their offical language.If we learn English well,we can commuicate with the people there.Second,English is very common in many worlds.Many German companies like Siemens used English as their working language.There are lots of article on the Internet are written in English.200 million Internet users use English to comuicate.And two thirds scientists read in English.If you are interested in IT,science or technology,you should learn English well.Third,many jobs require a good English ability,if you learn English well,you can get these jobs easy.That's all.Thanks.希望对你有帮助,有问题可以追问。希望得到采纳,谢谢。本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-04-22
Learning a foreign language can not only make a person very good in front of the world, also can enrich himself, but each person or different identity, the purpose of learning English is different, for example, parents learn English, may be in order to better communication with your children and so on. English is the world popular wide range of language, the country is now at breakneck speed, but literate language, will bring convenience, the economies of the cultural exchange between will have security! His future will be more beautiful!本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2013-04-22