针对他的问题 谈谈你的看法 同时提出一些帮助他解决问题的建议 英语作文 我翻译成中文了 速度

Don't worry, you'd better forget about computer games, because it would affect your study, I think study is the main, the game just entertainment, try not to play games, as for the examination, if the effort can still. If you drop this bad habit, naturally through the exam, one writer said a failure can not explain what, failure again and again to reflect on their own the best of you and your parents about it, and hope that these help you。 这是我自己写的 评价一下

第1个回答  2013-04-14
至于你写的那些,我看了后面一部分,个人认为最后一句改为and i hope the advice will help you 会比较好一点。因为你以上部分提的是建议,仔细点来说,只能算一条建议,用these不合适。至于斟酌细节,恐怕还是要你自己来。