

弊,浪费时间,损伤视力,易上隐。利,陪养思维能力,使人放松,有益于学生。要高一水平的 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet(看看吧)

The following aspects could best illustrate the advantages of Internet. Netsurfers (网上冲浪者) in different countries can share interesting knowledge and the latest information. Besides, Internet has provided a major opportunity to buy and sell merchandise (商品). What is more, people may get medical help or even vote on Internet. Its advantages seem countless.
Behind all this glowing talk, however, are some problems. Internet makes people passive by stopping them making their own entertainment. So much so that when there is a breakdown or jam, people may find that World Wide Web turns into World Wide Wait. What is worse, some children have access to the scenes of violence and sex. Apart from these, it can be affected by viruses(病毒) and hackers (黑客).
We should handle its problems, meanwhile we should exploit its potential as well. With proper management of Internet people ought to experience more fruits of the information revolution. All the wisdom of the ages, all the information that has enlightened mankind for centuries, should be available to us with the healthy development of Internet.
第1个回答  2013-05-05
Now the 21st century, not everyone is missing the computer. Whether people go to
work or school owners, we all need a computer. We mainly used the computer is
the "Internet" and now the "Internet" Each of us has become an important part of

Of course, the Internet has its advantages, but also has its
disadvantages. So it was that the Internet will make the students addicted,
addicted to online chat, games, affect their learning, has worsened. So, say the
Internet more harm than good, he stubbornly opposed their children online.
do not think that access to the Internet more advantages than disadvantages.
First, the very large amount of information online, we can learn a lot of online
books in the classroom and not learn knowledge. Not to mention the teachers are
now required to stay most of the jobs on the Internet to look for materials to
complete. So the Internet is very important to students. In the online search of
high quality of the information, you can get the latest information, but also
very convenient and flexible, ready to start learning. Really can be said that
the "Internet" is our best-school teacher.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-04-21