

第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-26
Good morning/Hi/Good afternoon everyone! My name is XXX. It's nice/great/wonderful to meet you all today! I'm 12/13 years old, and come from XXX(place). / I'm from XXX(place) and am 12/13 years old. I just graduated from XXX elementary school/primary school this summer.
I come from a big/huge family. I have three sisters and a brother... /I have so many uncles/ aunts/ We have XXX dogs/cats.
I spent a whole lot of time swimming over the summer. I really enjoyed the sunshine and all the spare time I had-- not having to study or do homework at all!
I love watching XXX show on the television, because, first of all, XXX is AAA. Also, XXX is BBB. Finally, XXX is CCC.
XXX is my favorite food, I cannot imagine living without it! It is so AAA, BBB, CCC.
English is absolutely/definitely my favorite subject, because AAA BBB CCC.
I didn't like studying XXX in elementary school very much, because AAA BBB CCC.本回答被提问者采纳