电影 借刀杀人 英文台词


17million people. This was a country, it would be the fifth bigest economy in the world. But nobody knows each other. Too impersonal.But there is just me, you know,I read about this guy. Gets on the MTA, here, and dies. Six hours he's riding the subway before antbody notices.This corpse doing laps around LA, people on and off, sitting next to him, nobody notice.

2、Vincent:“有一天?有一天你的梦想会实现?有一天晚上你会醒来,发现自己一事无成, 梦想只会与你擦肩而过,从来不会发生,猛然间,年华已逝。梦想尚未发生,而且永远不会,因为你从未准备去做!你会把它压抑在记忆里,然后钻进你的宝贝出租车,在下半生里,在回忆的泡沫里,接受白日梦的催眠。你所做的也许只是付过林肯房车的订金,或者说那个姑娘,你从来没有勇气打电话给她!你干嘛还在开出租车?”
Someday? someday my dream'll come...?
And one night you will wake up and discover it all flipped on you.Suddenly you are old. And it didn't happen. And it never will.
Cause you were never going to do it,anyway.The dream on the horizen became yesterday and got lost.Then you'll bullshit yourself, it could never have been,anyway. And you'll recede it into memory...and zone out in a Barcalounger with daytime TV on for the rest of your life.

And it ever took was a down payment on a Lincoln Town car. What the hell are you still doing in a cab?


Cause I never straightened-up and looked at it, you know, myself.I should have.Tried to gamble my way out from under.(That was) another born-to-lose deal.

Get with it .Get over it.....millions of galaxies of hundreds of milloins of stars and a speck on one in a blink...that's us. Lost in space.The universe dont care. The cop, you, me? who notices.
第1个回答  2013-09-19
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