写一篇400字左右的文章 题目为 童年趣事


Childhood interesting news
The childhood has plenty of the fine and have plenty of mess of and this matter happenned in the time of my childhood.
That day, I call at the grandmother carefree have to what stuff, just in this matter Hou, my good friend Fang Fang came and I take advantage o today's nothing important matter and say to her:"Fang Fang, we catch fish together ok or not."Because now is a holidays, the Fang Fang consented gladly.We then call up the elder sister, lift keg and arrive at brook a side.
Water of the brook is true pure, purely imitating Fo can see the goose egg of bottom of river stone and we change to take off shoes, curl up gusset and walk into brook.Just walked into brook, we then felt one in fine threads and cool idea, the ears of wheat at the side of brook moved with the dispute, the small bird that is on the tree branch sang clear and crisp singing, that scene as if continues painting book.
Suddenly, a fingerling nearby swims across from I and the Fang Fang say:"Fish!"I return to absolute being, dynasty Shui-li on see, ah!BE a fingerling, I silently close to it, take advantage o its inattention, by hand on grasp, but still drive slippery walk.The elder sister say:"Do not be disappointed."I then drum spirit courage, by hand on grasp then and at once put the inside of the bucket, this time it has no break out of my center of palm.Immediately after we see a fish again, I close to it, a held tight it, use hands sentence, mean this to be me the second war booty, can this small guy can really not obedient, leap and jump, I have to put it into bucket, gradual of, the sun fall ascend, we have already caught to many fishes.
Under the setting sun west of in the lovely view, we lift our war booties-Fish sing the joys quick song to walk toward the way home.