怎样成为一个园林景观设计师 为题目写一篇英语作文, 考试用呢··希望大家能帮帮忙·谢谢了

怎样成为一个园林景观设计师 为题目写一篇英语作文, 考试用呢··希望大家能帮帮忙·谢谢了

第1个回答  2013-06-19

    A garden designer is a professional who creates the layout or flow of a garden as well as picking the right types of plants for the area. Some of these professionals train in the art of landscape architecture, which gives them the ability to take a much more formal approach and be hands on in all aspects of the garden. If you want to become a garden designer you need to gain experience in gardening and learn more about the various plants in your area.

    Below I have some advices for you to achieve your bocoming a garden designer goal:


     Intern or work for a garden supply store, preferably one with a focus on plants and flowers. This is the time to start cold calling all those nurseries and garden centers in your area. You can skip over the big home improvement stores and mega stores with a garden area because they probably won’t help much. Working or interning in a smaller store can get you some hands on experience in how to work with plants and how to use certain tools.

    Get experience in the landscaping world in any way possible. Some of the best garden designers in the world started out working for landscaping companies. They dug holes, planted trees and even mowed lawns to work their way up. If you’re willing to show hard work and get your hands dirty, your boss will notice your work ethic.


    Learn about the plants and flowers that are native to your own area. Before you ever start designing a garden, you need to know about the plants and flowers in your area. Choosing a palm tree when you live in a cold climate doesn’t work that well. Your clients are going to depend on you to make the right choices for their home and climate.

