

第1个回答  2024-06-13
This essay describes the beauty of the Wenyu River. Living near the Wenyu River, I have witnessed its tranquil charm. In spring, the river's willows are among the first to sprout, casting a vibrant green across the banks.
In summer and autumn, the river's serene landscape is adorned with lush greenery, and beautiful flowers and lotus bloom gracefully in the ponds, attracting elegant white egrets that roam freely.
During the winter, the Wenyu River becomes a haven for wild ducks, with approximately ten thousand visiting each year. Sometimes, one can even spot wild duck eggs along the shore. However, the locals refrain from picking them, respecting the natural habitat of the ducks. The people here demonstrate a heightened sense of environmental protection.
Several years ago, the Wenyu River was not as picturesque. Due to untreated upstream waste water flowing into the river, it faced pollution, causing the disappearance of fish and deterring ducks from visiting. The river's banks used to emit a foul odor, transforming it into a stinking cesspool. In response, the Beijing City Hall invested in the construction of a sewage treatment plant upstream on the Qinggil River to clean up the Wenyu River. Although some signs of pollution persist, the river is gradually recovering, thanks to recent efforts.
Now, the beautiful Wenyu River is not easily accessible, and this has heightened everyone's awareness of the environment. The photos taken on Saturday showcase the river's peacefulness, with lush greenery lining its banks.
Translation: This essay describes the beauty of the Wenyu River. Living close to the Wenyu River, I have experienced its tranquil charm. In spring, the river's willows are among the first to sprout, casting a vibrant green across the banks.
In summer and autumn, the river's serene landscape is adorned with lush greenery, and beautiful flowers and lotus bloom gracefully in the ponds, attracting elegant white egrets that roam freely.
During the winter, the Wenyu River becomes a haven for wild ducks, with approximately ten thousand visiting each year. Sometimes, one can even spot wild duck eggs along the shore. However, the locals refrain from picking them, respecting the natural habitat of the ducks. The people here demonstrate a heightened sense of environmental protection.
Several years ago, the Wenyu River was not as picturesque. Due to untreated upstream waste water flowing into the river, it faced pollution, causing the disappearance of fish and deterring ducks from visiting. The river's banks used to emit a foul odor, transforming it into a stinking cesspool. In response, the Beijing City Hall invested in the construction of a sewage treatment plant upstream on the Qinggil River to clean up the Wenyu River. Although some signs of pollution persist, the river is gradually recovering, thanks to recent efforts.
Now, the beautiful Wenyu River is not easily accessible, and this has heightened everyone's awareness of the environment. The photos taken on Saturday showcase the river's peacefulness, with lush greenery lining its banks.