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Spectrophotometric,3—5) HPLC methods with UV detection6,7)
and gas chromatographic methods8,9) were reported
for the determination of (I) in dosage forms and human
Propafenone hydrochloride (II) [2-(2-hydroxy-3-propylaminopropoxy)-
3-phenylpropiophenone hydrochloride] is
used in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.10)
Several HPLC methods, with UV11) or mass-spectrometry12)
detection, were reported for enantioselective determination
of (II) and its metabolites in human plasma. Other reported
methods of (II) analysis include gas chromatography,
using electron-capture detection13) or chemical ionization
mass spectrometry (CIMS),14) and adsorptive stripping
voltammetry.15) All these methods are highly sensitive and
specific but require elaborated instruments. The USP method
for propafenone hydrochloride assay uses non aqueous titration,
perchloric acid is used as a titrant and the end point is
detected potentiometrically.16)
Acebutolol hydrochloride (III) [1-(2-acetyl-4-n-butyramidophenoxy)-
2-hydroxy-3-isopropylaminopropane] is a cardioselective
beta-blocker which normalizes the blood pressure,
prevents the occurrence of hypertensive crisis, used in
the treatment of angina pectoris and emergency treatment of
cardiac arrhythmia.17)
Several analytical methods were reported for assaying (III)
in its dosage forms and these include HPLC,18—21) thin layer
chromatography22) and spectrophotometric23—26) methods.
Other methods were reported for determination of (III) in biological
fluids and these include HPLC27,28) and micellar
electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC).29,30)
Materials Authentic Drugs: Pentoxifylline (Sigma Chemicals Co.),
propafenone hydrochloride (Sigma Chemicals Co.) and acebutolol hydrochloride
(Rhone-Poulenc Rorer).
Other Chemicals: N1-Methyl nicotinamide chloride (Sigma Chemicals
Co.). Formic acid, sodium hydroxide, methanol and all other chemicals were
of analytical grade. Water was doubly distilled.
Dosage Forms: Tablets of Trental (Aventis Pharma), labeled to contain
400 mg of (I), Vasotal (T3A), labeled to contain 400 mg of (I), Pexal
(Mepha), labeled to contain 400 mg of (I), Rhytmonorm (ADCo.), labeled to
contain 150 mg of (II) and Sectral (Alexandria Pharmaceutical Co.), labeled
to contain 200 mg of (III), were obtained from the local market.
Apparatus Shimadzu RF 5301 PC spectrofluorimeter.
Reagents and Standard Solutions Stock Standard Solutions of Drugs:
Stock solutions were prepared in distilled water to contain 200 mg/ml of (I)
and 20 mg/ml of (III).
Stock solution of (II) was prepared in methanol to contain 30 mg/ml.
Serial Standard Solutions of Drugs: Aliquots of stock standard solutions
were diluted quantitatively with the same solvent to produce concentration

第1个回答  2008-06-12