

第1个回答  2008-10-06
Myself just graduated, now meets seeks employment the surface to regard the question to write a section of English application letter, because foreign language ability is limited, therefore wants to invite English proficiency ability high elder brother the elder sisters, helps the little brother translator section of writing, the little brother to be deeply grateful, thanks! Writing following myself study assiduous, in the thought the active demand to progress diligently, respect division commander, is glad helps the human, can bear hardships and stand hard work the manner sincerely honest, is open and bright, works has the strong beginning ability, collective spirit, has the team spirit, the innovative ideology; Self-confident, modest, the autonomy, the interpersonal relationship is good. Most importantly ability, although I in school period cultural result poor, but I can request strictly, can observe the school discipline school regulation, I believe make up for a lack of natural talent by hard work, so long as the company is willing to cultivate my words, I believed that will not let your firm be disappointed absolutely!
第2个回答  2008-10-06
I study hard hard, thinking positive progress requirements, respect for teachers, helpful, hard-working people can be sincere and honest, and good humor, unless there is a strong hands-on capabilities, the concept of collective strong, with a spirit of teamwork and innovation; self-confidence, Shy, self-discipline and good human relations. The most important thing is the ability, although I am at school during the cultural achievements of the poor to the poor, but I can set strict demands on themselves and be able to comply with school discipline regulations, Qinnengbuzhuo I believe that as long as the company is willing to my culture, I believe that your company will not let disappointment !本回答被提问者采纳