
Chapter 7
Discussion Questions
答: Historical-based financial statements may be misleading during periods of significant inflation. Many resources may have been acquired in periods when the purchasing power of the monetary unit was much higher. These expenses then typically are deducted from revenues that reflect current purchasing power. The resulting income number is unintelligible. Another problem for statement readers is that the value of assets recorded at their historical acquisition cost is typically understated as a result of inflation. Understated asset values produce understated expenses and overstated earnings.
Financial trends are also difficult to interpret, as trend statistics generally include monetary units of different purchasing power. A positive trend in sales may be due to price changes, not real increases in sales.
答: A price index is a cost ratio, that is, the ratio of a representative “basket” of goods and services consumed by an average family, compared to the price of that same basket in a benchmark (“base”) year. The price index is invaluable in enabling a statement reader to translate sums of money paid in the past to their current purchasing power equivalents.
答: The Congressman is wrong. The object of inflation accounting is to clarify the distinction between capital and income, not to minimize corporate taxes. Inflation accounting shows how much money the company can pay in expenses, taxes, and dividends, while keeping enough resources to maintain its capital.
Chapter 7
Discussion Questions

答: The historical cost-constant dollar model measures the impact of general price level changes on a firm's reported performance and financial position. The current cost model examines the impact of specific price changes on enterprise income and wealth.
The two measurement frameworks are similar in that both attempt to clarify the distinction between capital and income. They differ in reporting objectives. Whereas the historical cost/constant dollar model attempts to preserve the general purchasing power of a firm's original money capital, the current cost model attempts to preserve an entity's physical capital or productive capacity.

第1个回答  2008-11-27
3:价格指数是一个成本比率,也就是比一个有代表性的“菜篮子”商品和服务消费平均每个家庭相比,价格是同一个篮子里在一个基准( “基地” )一年。价格指数是非常宝贵的,使读者一份声明中把款项支付在过去他们目前的购买力等值。