问一首英文歌,女生唱。开头是dododododo,后面歌词好像类似i am sitting on t

问一首英文歌,女生唱。开头是dododododo,后面歌词好像类似i am sitting on the wimdow,风格类似《thank you》。至少十年前的歌了。近期《高能少年团》杨紫来那一期里出现了这首歌。哪位大神知道?感谢!!!

第1个回答  2017-05-20
I Am Sorry - Martha Wainwright
I'm sorry I yelled at you

About the baby's clothes

About the car on fire

About love

The seven year itch
Is quite a bitch it's true

But believe me, I don't lie

I love you

And we can make it
If you don't break it
It's up to you

When the fire gets cold,
It's really cold

And to believe in you

Really believe in you

It's hard to do

I'm sorry I yelled at you

About the baby's clothes

About the car on fire
About love

And we can make it
If you don't break it
It's up to you

The seven year itch
Is quite a bitch it's true

But believe me, I don't lie

I love you

I am sorry I yelled at you