
假如 你是导游

你是导游将要接待一批去北京的游客 要介绍旅游 景点。

急急急!!!要在八点半以前!!!! 追加 50分!!! 看好了!!追加50分!!!
要介绍旅游 景点。


第1个回答  2009-10-22
If I were a tourguide, I would introduce the visitors to have a tour to the Forbidden City in Beijing, the capital of China. Because there is the essence of the 5000-year Chinese culture, it is especially good for people to go there and learn some knowledge about Chinese history. Combining deep deference to nature with lofty singnificance,great overall arrangements have reached the highestlevel,far above any other culture. The ancient buildings there record the history path to tell us the legends of our ancestors and these buildings are the symbols of Chinese traditional and rich culture. Moreover, twenty-four emperors from the Ming and Qing dynasties lived and ruled Cina from there.
故宫不是旅游景点吗。。 你凑活用吧 我估计也没别人会帮你了本回答被提问者采纳