ISRI CODE:谁能帮我翻译一下啊 谢谢啊 在线等 急急急!!

200 - No.1 heavy melting steel. " Wrought iron and/or steel scrap 1/4 inch and over in thickness. Individual pieces not ov~r 60 x 24 inches (charging box size) prepared in a manner to insure compact charging.

ISRI CODE: 201 - No.1 heavy melting steel 3 feet x 18 inches. Wrought iron and/or steel scrap 1/4 inch and over in thickness. Individual pieces not over 36 inches x 18 inches (charging box size) prepared in a manner to insure compact charging.

ISRI CODE: 202 - No. 1 heavy melting steel 5 feet x 18 inches. Wrought iron and/or steel scrap 1/4 inch and over in thickness. Individual pieces not over 60 inches x 18 inches (charging box size) prepared in a manner to insure compact charging.
谢谢 林GG 不过那个 1/4 inch and over in thickness 这个好象不太准确吧 还有prepared in a manner to insure compact charging.
这句的翻译也不太准吧 你有更准确的答案吗?

第1个回答  2006-08-31
ISRI 代码:
200 - 1号沉重的熔化的钢。 "熟铁和钢废料1/4英寸和在在厚度方面上。用一种给契约投保收费的方式准备的个别铁片,铁片不超过60 x 24英寸(收费限制的尺寸)
ISRI 代码:
200 - 1号沉重的熔化的钢。 "熟铁和钢废料1/4英寸和在在厚度方面上。用一种给契约投保收费的方式准备的个别铁片,铁片不超过60 x 24英寸(收费限制的尺寸)
ISRI 代码:
200 - 1号沉重的熔化的钢。 "熟铁和钢废料1/4英寸和在在厚度方面上。用一种给契约投保收费的方式准备的个别铁片,铁片不超过60 x 24英寸(收费限制的尺寸)
第2个回答  2006-08-31
it is difficult ah本回答被提问者采纳