题目:Today, there are more images of disasters and violence in the media. What are the causes and what are your solutions?
In recent years, bloody pictures are appeared frequently on TV, video, the internet and so on. This situation is gaining greater concern of the public, so I am to analysis this problem in the essay.
Arousing the kind of images to rise may be the several reasons with the following words. Firstly, in order to alleviate the pressure that is from work or study, people crate and promote the development of the images. Secondly, some people want to pursue the excited feeling and think the kind of images can bring special emotions to solve their vexation temporarily. Thirdly, producers who want to earn more money and ignore the adverse consequences will seize the opportunities to widen the market.
However, these situations will effect on the teenagers without accurate judgments to tell right or worry apart. Provided that they are not guided immediately, they will go astray and copy the actions of violence as cool behavior, which breeds the society to be unstable. Besides, these inhumane images will affect their mental activities, thereby causing psychology diseases and doing some criminal events, for example, gun attack of campus.
Overall, the increasing pictures are a dangerous phenomenon that lead to a negative effect on young people and result in serious social problem. In terms of the government, it can take some effective and efficient measures, like making a law and limiting to play, to combat and control the unhealthy visions. In terms of individuals, we should avoid the kind of images and accept the education that is from parents and schools to strengthen our maturity of judgments
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