
在为玫瑰剪枝的时候,不小心被刺刺到,一滴血珠渗出拇指,鲜红的血,颜色和盛放的红玫瑰一模一样。 玫瑰为什么要有刺呢?我在心里疑惑着。 我一边吸着手指渗出的血珠,一边想着,这作为情侣们爱情象征的玫瑰,有刺,是不是也是一种象征呢,象征美好的爱情总要付出刺伤的代价。 把玫瑰插在花瓶,我本想将所有的刺刮去,但是并没有这样做,我想到,那流入玫瑰花的汁液,也同样流入它的刺,花与刺的本质原是一样的;就好像流入毛虫的血液与流入蝴蝶的血液也是一样的,我们不能只欣赏蝴蝶,不包容毛虫。 流在爱情里的血液也是一样呀!滋润了温柔的玫瑰花,也滋润了尖锐的棘刺。流出了欢喜与幸福的,也流出了忧伤与悲痛。在闪动爱的泪光中,也闪动仇恨的绿光。 但是我始终相信,真正圆满纯粹的爱情,是没有任何怨恨的,就像我们爱玫瑰花,也可以承受它的刺,以及偶然的刺伤。
带刺的玫瑰 希望谁能帮我翻译下哈

The time for pruning roses is not accidental Cici that drop Xuezhu exudation thumb, red blood, color and bloom of red roses same. Why do roses have thorns? I doubt the heart. My fingers bleed Xuezhu Sorption side while thinking about it as a symbol of couples who love roses, barbed, is not it also a symbol, a symbol of love always better to pay a stab price. The roses in a vase, I wanted to scrape off all the thorns, but it did not do so, I think, that the juice into the roses, too into its thorn, the essence of flowers and thorns was originally the same; in respect of seems to flow into the caterpillar's blood and the blood of a butterfly is the same, we can not just enjoy the butterflies, caterpillars are not inclusive. Love where the blood flow in the same 呀! Moisten the tender roses, but also nourishing a sharp thorns. Out of the joy and happiness, but also out of the sorrow and grief. Tears of love in the flashing, also hate the green light flashing. But I have always believed that true fulfillment pure love, there was no resentment, just as we love roses, you can also withstand its thorns, and the occasional stab wounds.
第1个回答  2010-03-03
文章可真不短~~~~~ 带刺的玫瑰:the rose with sting