

第1个回答  2010-09-10
1月27日 天气 晴 星期日 前两天我生病了.记得那天晚上,妈妈突然醒来发现我烧得很热,就马上给我量体温,一量有40度.爸爸妈妈吓坏了,就连夜带我去了医院.到了医院,妈妈马上领着我到小儿科,医生给我抽血化验,检查结果我得的是细菌性感染.医生给我开了些药,叫我到急诊去室打两瓶点滴.我在打针的时候很勇敢.那天一直打了四个多小时才打完,医生说明天还要继续打针. 到了家里,我听见妈妈在给外公打电话,外公又问我好点了吗 我说:"我好多了,你们不用担心."
Fine Sunday of the weather on January 27 I got sick two days ago.Remember that evening, the mother suddenly wakes up and discovers me burning very hot, give me the quantity body temperature right away, a quantity contains 40 degrees.The father mother was frightened to death and all through the night took I went to a hospital.Arrived a hospital, the mother got right away I arrive pediatrics, the doctor draws blood for me to analyze, and checking a result what I get is a germ sex appeal to dye.The doctor prescribe some medicines for me and called me to have two bottles of intravenous drops to the room to the emergency call.I am very brave while injecting.Had been beating more than four hours to just fire away that day, doctor elucidation sky still need to continue to inject.Come home, I heard the mother is making a phone call for grandfather, did the grandfather ask me to order so much again I say:"I am much better, you need not worry."