1.select 姓名,性别,职称,基础工资+岗位工资+绩效工资 AS 工资总额 from 教师2.select 姓名,性别,部门名称,担任职务,职称 from 教师 inner join 部门 on 教师.部门编号=部门.部门编号3.select * from 教师 order by 基础工资4.select * from 教师 inner join 部门 on 教师.部门编号=部门.部门...
from 学生表 a,成绩表 b where a.学号=b.学号 希望你能通过以上的答案,自己弄懂都是什么意思,over
select a.学号,a.成绩 from 选修 a,课程 b where a.课程号=b.课程号 and b.课程名='3号'order by a.成绩 desc -- 如果不是按课程名查,可以不用连接"课程"表 2)select a.课程号,b.课程名,count(a.学好)from 选修 a,课程 b where a.课程号=b.课程号 group by a.课程号,b.课程...
select * from s where 学号 in (select 学号 from sc,t where sc.成绩=t.成绩 group by 学号 having sum(t.奖学金)>0) and 性别='女'
写SQL语句 来帮忙
1)select A.姓名 from (select * from S) A inner jion (select * from SC) B on A.学号=B.学号 inner join (select * from C) D on B.课程号=D.课程号 where D.选修课程='1' and D.选修课程='2'2)select A.姓名,D.课程名 from (select * from S) A inner jion (select ...
as 总空程 ,sum(QJZ)as 总桥架子 ,sum(XSH) as 总小时,sum(YJ) as 总运距 from t_glgz group by SJ where ND="'+nd+'" and YD="'+yd+'" and LB="'+lb+'"'上面的Having换成Where,Having只限于包含聚合函数的条件如:having sum(tsh) > 200 而不是这样的情况应该用where ...
1、insert into 产品表 values(0001 空调 3000 200),(0002,'冰箱', 2500 ,100),(0003,'彩电', 2800, 50),(0004, '电脑', 3200, 100)2、update 产品表 set 价格=价格*0.83、delete from 产品表 where 价格<504、select 产品名称 from 产品表 where 价格 between 2000 and 29005、select ...
SQL语句求助 谢谢大家
select t1.* from 表名 t1,(select a,max(b) b from 表名 where c like '%123%' group by a) t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=t2.b and t1.c like '%123%'晕啊,我也发现了
sum(case when 仓库=A then 库存 else 0 end) AS A库存,sum(case when 仓库=B then 销售 else 0 end) AS B销售,sum(case when 仓库=B then 库存 else 0 end) AS B库存,sum(case when 仓库=C then 销售 else 0 end) AS C销售,sum(case when 仓库=C then 库存 else 0 end) AS ...
select d.id as 人员编号,sum(a.price)as 累计消费金额1,sum(b.price)as 累计消费金额2,sum(c.price)as 累计消费金额3 from 人员表 d left outer join 消费表1 a on a.id=d.id left outer join 消费表2 b on a.id=d.id left outer join 消费表3 c on a.id=d.id where (a....