英语翻译 你认为这部电影怎么样?What do you think ?

你认为这部电影怎么样?What do you think ?
我和她年龄一样大? I am as odl as she is
比起去商店购物,我更喜欢网上购物。prefer store online O2O online to offline 线上线下
. 我为你们感到骄傲。be proud of sth./sb.

第1个回答  2013-12-17
你认为这部电影怎么样?What do you think about this movie?
我和她年龄一样大? I am as old as she.
比起去商店购物,我更喜欢网上购物。I prefer to shopping online rather than shop at offline store.
. 我为你们感到骄傲。I am proud of you.
第2个回答  2013-12-17
What do you think of this movie?
I am at her age, 或者I am as old as she is.
I perfer online shopping to store shopping. 或者I prefer shopping online to offline.

I am proud of you.
第3个回答  2013-12-17
你认为这部电影怎么样?What do you think of the film?

我和她年龄一样大?She and I the same age?

比起去商店购物,我更喜欢网上购物。Rather than go to the store shopping, I prefer shopping online.
I am proud of you.本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2017-11-20
你认为这部电影怎么样?What do you think of this film / movie?
我和她年龄一样大. I am the same age as her. /I am as old as her.
比起去商店购物,我更喜欢网上购物。I prefer to do shopping on the Internet rather than go to the shop.
线上线下 : OTO/offline and online
我为你们感到骄傲。I'm proud of you.本回答被网友采纳
第5个回答  2013-12-17
What do you think of the film?
She and I the same age?
Rather than go to the store shopping, I prefer shopping online.
I am proud of you.Be proud of STH. / sb.