如何让Intel Pro100网卡在wireshark中支持VLAN-ID抓取


第1个回答  推荐于2016-09-19
Intel PRO/1000 or PRO/100 Ethernet controller which are used in e.g. IBM Notebooks (T40 series and others) do not forward VLAN tags to the upper layers; By default, Intel adapters strip the VLAN tag before passing it up the stack. If you need to see the tag you need to use these driver versions: PRO/100 6.x or 7.x or later base driver, PRO/1000 (plain 7.2.17 does not have this feature).
To enable, you must go into the registry and either add a registry dword and value (for e100) or change the value of the registry key (for e1000). The registry dword is MonitorModeEnabled (for both). It should be placed at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\00xx where xx is the instance of the network adapter that you need to see tags on. (Check by opening and viewing the name of the adapter). It should be set to read: MonitorModeEnabled= 1. Note: ControlSet001 may need to be CurrentControlSet or another 00x number
For Broadcom 570x Gigabit adapters (for example in Dell systems); Add a registry key underHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet to cause the driver not to strip the 802.1Q VLAN header. In order to set that key, you need to find the right instance of the driver in Registry Editor and set that key for it.
Run the Registry Editor (regedt32).
Search for “TxCoalescingTicks” under"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet" and ensure this is the only instance that you have.
Right-click on the instance number (eg. 0008) and add a new string value.
Enter “PreserveVlanInfoInRxPacket” and give it the value “1″.
Save and Reboot
You may need to install a recent driver (version 8.27) to make this setting effective本回答被提问者和网友采纳

Segmentation Offload 建议关闭Speed\/Duplex Settings Full Autonegotiation(全自适应,一般不用修改)VLAN Id 默认是1 不用改VLAN Support VLAN支持 一般关闭Wake on Magic packet 魔术数据包唤醒 建议关闭Wake on pattern 建议关闭WakeOnLAN From PowerOff 建议关闭4。Marvell Yukon网...

Win10配置wireshark抓取VLAN ID
将MonitorModeEnabled值改为1,如果没有右键选择创建DWORD(32位)。右键选择创建DWORD(32位)PreserveVlanInfoInRxPacket,设其值为1。编辑->首选项->外观->列->添加VLAN字段->类型选择802.1QVLAN ID
