急求一篇关于The importance of knowing oneself的2-3min小演讲稿,研究生水平的,谢谢!


第1个回答  2013-06-03
The Importance of Knowing Oneself

Knowing yourself is a very important task which one has to
undertake, it can often be the most challenging as well。
When a person knows who they are, and clearly understands what they want, then they have a much better chance of discovering how to reach their own success, happiness and personal fulfilment! Knowing one's true inner self can be of great help to anyone working to reach their goals more effectively. It helps guide you along the path toward success. This not only fills us with much happiness, bliss and calmness but also improves our mindset, as well as our relationships and connections with others.Knowing yourself consequently, empowers and enables you to create different choices. Success easily comes to those with pleasing personalities.
However, this does not necessarily mean that you must do everything which other people want you to; rather it means acquiring a positive attitude and mindset? it means being respectful to the opinions of others while at the same time remaining true to one's own beliefs. Don't expect to suddenly go on a certain course and immediately become aware of yourself or enlightened. The success of such a journey depends deeply on how bravely you face yourself; on the way, you might discover certain things which you do not like and possibly choose to hide or even deny.
The basic principle of knowing yourself is that every person is responsible, in control and generate their own thoughts to the life they encounter.
Rationalizations are used by many people to give a justifiable explanation for their actions. One may then pretend that the problem is not their own - and now it may be blamed on the other person. This is known as projection. You therefore need to discover and improve the true you, and not what others perceive you to be, and also not who you believe you must be, but the person that you truly are.
Knowing yourself will enable you to develop your full potential and be happy, contented and fulfilled? Then indeed, when you reach your goals, you will turn out to be a much happier person. And that is real success in its truest sense.