

第1个回答  2011-07-04
Forbidden/ Restricted under age 18. / 18.
第2个回答  推荐于2020-11-30
You can't enter if you are under 18-year-old本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2011-07-04
anyone under 18 yeas old is prohibited from entering to
第4个回答  2011-07-04
adult only
第5个回答  2020-11-13
换了好久,这个z 5 6 a­,( Ο m3 也不比之前的差的

Forbidden\/ Restricted under age 18. \/ 18.

childeren under 18 years old are not allowed to drink beer.或者 ...are prohibited to drink beer.(前面一样)

“非工作人员禁止入内”正确的英语翻译是:Do not enter, alarm operating 装有警报,禁止入内。No admittance 禁止入内。No entry for general public 公众不得入内。No unauthorized access prohibited 未经许可,禁止入内。No unauthorized entry 未经许可,不得入内。

Staff Only staff only 员工专用;非公莫入,严禁非本部门人员入内

对这些人的正确英文叫法是Cracker,有人翻译成“骇客”。目录定义黑客由来黑客守则组成归宿存在的意义联系与区别历史上著名的黑客著名黑客事件著名黑客黑客列表凯文米特尼克“两高”司法解释电影黑客定义黑客由来黑客守则组成归宿存在的意义联系与区别历史上著名的黑客著名黑客事件著名黑客 黑客列表 凯文米特尼克“两高”司法解释...

1、有道翻译官:软件是网易有道公司出品的翻译应用,支持中英、中日、中韩和中法等多语种离线翻译,在没有网络的情况下也能顺畅使用。同时配备强大的摄像头取词和短信翻译功能,无需手动输入便可快速获取翻译结果。 2、网络翻译:具有网页版和手机客户端,适合于所有手机使用。免费提供高质量的中文、英语、日语、韩语、西班...

求个英语翻译,就是有些影片开头会提到的: “以下内容可能会引起部分观众...
following content may cause part of the audience feel discomfort, under 18 years old watch in _ accompanied by their parents."

1. Most girls born in the 90s have boyfriends since the age of 15; a small percent of them have serious relationships after the age of 18. As for me, I belong to the latter group.2. Mostly she dates boys the same age as her. I have had relationships with two guys, ...

My name is xx,I'm 18 years old.I was born in xx and I am from Henan.I study at xx. I like playing badminton and basketball. I also like listening to the music and stay with friends.I am glad to be with you guys today and hope you have a good time.

‘叁’ 即时英语翻译软件 即森乱时英语翻译软件推荐如下:1、有道翻译官:首款支持离线翻译功能的翻译应用,在没有网络的情况下也能顺畅使用。支持中、英、日此岁档、韩、法、俄、西七国语言翻译。同时配备强大的摄像头翻译和拍照翻译功能,无需手动输入便可快速获取翻译结果。2、搜狗翻译:一款集成语音...
