
摘 要


In the face of the fierce market competitive environment day by day, enterprises only meet customer's diversification, individualized consumption demand, could survive and develop for a long time.It is the key problem of technological innovation of the hotel industry how to solve the contradiction between high quality of hotel industry's personalized service and low cost. The appearance customizing technology on a large scale has offered the brand-new thinking for the fact that we analyse and explain this difficult problem. Can realize low cost and diversification, individualized high-quality combination customizing through using the large-scale production and range economy of customizing technology and bringing on a large scale. This text is on the current requirement of change source of technology of service of goods of the hotel industry under the technological terms of new economy at first, is it use customizing technology on a large scale ripe in manufacturing industry already to introduce. It is a system to customize on a large scale. This system uses the information technology, canal procedure and organization,etc. offer the products and service of the larger range that can meeitsindividualization's needs to the customer by close to the cost produced in batchesing.
Secondly the article has been analysed and stored and used and customizing the basic terms which serves technology on a large scale in the hotel industry, and on this basis, from the angles of service of goods and similar and particularity of the manufacturing industry products of hotel industry, have put forward and used the way to customize technology on a large scale and module method in the hotel industry. Finally, the article has been put forward in practice of implementing extensive technology of the hotel industry, several problems to be more solved still exist.The effective settlement of these problems customizes on a large scale the application prospect of technology in the hotel industry of great promotion.
第1个回答  2007-05-17
Facing the intense market competition environment, the enterprise onlyhas the satisfied customer diversification, the individuality expensedemand day by day, can the long-lived and the development. How solvesthe hotel industry individuality service high grade and between thelow cost contradiction is the hotel industry technology innovation keyquestion. Large-scale had custom-made technical the appearance toexplain this difficult problem for us to provide the brand-newmentality. Through utilizes large-scale has custom-made the economiesof scale and the scope economy which the technology brings is canrealize the low cost and the diversification, the individuality, hascustom-made the high grade union. This article first under the new economical engineering factor in thehotel industry product service technology transformation demandreality request, introduced quite has already been mature in themanufacturing industry application large-scale has custom-made thetechnology. Large-scale has custom-made is a system. This system usingthe information technology, the ditch flow and the organizations andagencies and so on approaches the volume production the cost toprovide can satisfy the comparatively wide range product and theservice to the customer which its individuality needs. Next article analyzed has applied large-scale in the hotel industryexistence has custom-made the service technology the foundationcondition, and in this foundation, from the hotel industry productservice and the manufacturing industry product similarity as well asthe particular angle, proposed large-scale had custom-made technicalin the hotel industry application the way as well as the modularmethod. Finally, the article proposed in middle the hotel industryimplementation large-scale technology practice, still has certainproblems which many needs to solve. These questions effectiveaddressings the enormous promotion large-scale will have custom-madethe technology in the hotel industry application prospect. Key word: Large-scale has custom-made; Hotel industry; Large scaleproduction; Individuality demand
第2个回答  2007-05-17
In the face of the fierce market competitive environment day by day, enterprises only meet customer's diversification, individualized consumption demand, could survive and develop for a long time.It is the key problem of technological innovation of the hotel industry how to solve the contradiction between high quality of hotel industry's personalized service and low cost. The appearance customizing technology on a large scale has offered the brand-new thinking for the fact that we analyse and explain this difficult problem. Can realize low cost and diversification, individualized high-quality combination customizing through using the large-scale production and range economy of customizing technology and bringing on a large scale. This text is on the current requirement of change source of technology of service of goods of the hotel industry under the technological terms of new economy at first, is it use customizing technology on a large scale ripe in manufacturing industry already to introduce. It is a system to customize on a large scale. This system uses the information technology, canal procedure and organization,etc. offer the products and service of the larger range that can meeitsindividualization's needs to the customer by close to the cost produced in batchesing.
Secondly the article has been analysed and stored and used and customizing the basic terms which serves technology on a large scale in the hotel industry, and on this basis, from the angles of service of goods and similar and particularity of the manufacturing industry products of hotel industry, have put forward and used the way to customize technology on a large scale and module method in the hotel industry. Finally, the article has been put forward in practice of implementing extensive technology of the hotel industry, several problems to be more solved still exist.The effective settlement of these problems customizes on a large scale the application prospect of technology in the hotel industry of great promotion.

关键词:大规模定制;饭店业;大规模生产;个性化需求 Keyword: Customize on a large scale; Hotel industry; Extensive production; Individualized demand
第3个回答  2007-05-17
In the face of the fierce competitive environment of market day by day, enterprises only meet customer's diversification, individualized consumption demand, could survive and develop for a long time. What a key problem that contradiction solved between high quality of hotel industry's personalize.
This text is on the current requirement of the change source of the technology of service of goods of the hotel industry under the technological terms of new economy at first, introduce, employ customizing technology on a large scale ripe in manufacturing indu.
Article analyze, deposit in employ on a large scale customizing service basic terms of technology in hotel industry secondly, and on this basis, from the angles of service of goods and similar and particularity of manufacturin.
Finally, the article has been put forward in practice of implementing extensive technology of the hotel industry, several problems to be more solved still exist. The effective settlement of these problems cus.
Keyword: Customize on a large scale; Hotel industry; Extensive production; Individualized demand .

第4个回答  2007-05-17
钟昊 同学的话比较有意思,呵呵。
第5个回答  2007-05-17