

第1个回答  2012-06-18
There’s no need for the two of you to keep on arguing, specific situation has to be analyzed specifically. I have given some thoughts on the issue of whether it is necessary to bring mobile phones into the class and the key point is on the self-control of the students; it seems alright to allow it if the students know when to do the right thing. But the fact is that they’re not able to behave this way, so it’s reasonable for the school to prohibit mobile phones in class.


College is different from high school; teachers don’t force you to study; they don’t care as long as other students are not disturbed. If students are doing other things in my class, I don’t personally take it as disrespect, they have the liberty of choice.

第2个回答  2012-06-18
You two don't be so noisy, it also to particular case is particular analysis ah. I carefully wanted to think, is it necessary to bring their phones into class, the key point is that the students of mobile phone use self-control, if the children learn at the proper time to do the right thing, seem to be able to allow. But the reality is the students can't do this, the school banned from carrying mobile phone enrolling still is reasonable. University is different from the high school, the teacher can't force you to learn. If do not affect other classmates, he won't care. I also don't think class doing anything other is not respect me, students have the freedom of choice.


Thank you. Side_effect.谢谢,Side_effect。楼下的各位朋友,其实在不应该使用翻译器的同时, 也希望各位在回答问题时所给出的答案是自己辛苦想出来的,如果抄袭别人的答案, 这同样是不对的。


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