
内容摘要 “情”是庄子思想的一个重要的组成部分,而对“情”字内涵进行准确的挖掘,有助于我们后学者准确理解和把握《庄子》的人生哲学。庄子的“情”又是复杂的,庄子所说的“情”,首先表现为无情,即无虚情、无私情、无偏情; 但庄子又不是真无情,他追求真情与至情;也正因为真情与至情,才使他看透现实世界的无情,在无情的现实中痛苦不堪,最终庄子找到了自己的出路,就是理性处理情,再次强调无情;但是这里的无情最终指向的却还是有情,即摆脱痛苦,获得超越,所以道是有情却无情,道是无情却有情。因此,可以说庄子的“情”说到底指的就是人的情、性命的情;庄子的“无情”,是指不要因为得失祸福,是非好恶而从内部伤害了自己的身体,完全听凭自然,而不要想着凭借身外之物来人为地增益自己的性命。
关键词 庄子;真情;至情;悲情;意义


Chuang-tzu's theory of"Love"
内容摘要 “情”是庄子思想的一个重要的组成部分,而对“情”字内涵进行准确的挖掘,有助于我们后学者准确理解和把握《庄子》的人生哲学。庄子的“情”又是复杂的,庄子所说的“情”,首先表现为无情,即无虚情、无私情、无偏情; 但庄子又不是真无情,他追求真情与至情;也正因为真情与至情,才使他看透现实世界的无情,在无情的现实中痛苦不堪,最终庄子找到了自己的出路,就是理性处理情,再次强调无情;但是这里的无情最终指向的却还是有情,即摆脱痛苦,获得超越,所以道是有情却无情,道是无情却有情。因此,可以说庄子的“情”说到底指的就是人的情、性命的情;庄子的“无情”,是指不要因为得失祸福,是非好恶而从内部伤害了自己的身体,完全听凭自然,而不要想着凭借身外之物来人为地增益自己的性命。
Abstract:" love" is the Chuang-tzu thought is an important part, and on the "love" word meaning accurately mining, help us later scholars to accurately understand and grasp the" Chuang-tzu" philosophy of life. Chuang-tzu's" love" are complicated, Chuang-tzu called "love", as the first manifestation of ruthless, no false feelings, no privacy, no passions; but Chuang-tzu isn't really cruel, he is the pursuit of the truth and true; also because of love and affection, make him see the reality world, in the cruel reality of pain, Chuang-tzu eventually found their way out, is the rational treatment of love, once again stressed the heartless; but here the ruthless pointing to the final but still love, is to get rid of the pain, get beyond, so the opposite is heartless, road is the relentless love. Therefore, it can be said that Chuang-tzu 's" love" in the final analysis refers to people's feelings, life situation; Chuang-tzu's" ruthless", refers to not because the gains and losses fate, is not likes and dislikes from inside her body hurt, completely under natural, not think with worldly possessions to artificially gain his own life.

关键词 庄子;真情;至情;悲情;意义
Key words: Chuang-tzu; truth; true; tragic; meaning
第1个回答  2012-04-19
Theory of zhuangzi "emotion"

The author:


Content abstract "feeling" of zhuang-tse's is an important component of, and to the "emotion" word meaning in accurate mining, and help us to understand and grasp the scholars accurate in zhuang zi's philosophy of life. Zhuang zi's "feeling" and complicated, zhuangzi's "emotion", first the performance for the ruthless,, no empty feeling, selfless love, unbiased feeling; But zhuangzi and not really ruthless, he is after the true feelings and to affection; It is because of the true feelings and to affection, just make him see through the real world heartless, in relentless in reality of pain, finally found his way out of the zhuang zi, is rational treatment sentiment, again heartless; But here the ruthless point to the final but still love, that is, to get rid of the pain, get beyond, so word is love but ruthless, tao is the ruthless but sentient beings. Therefore, it can be said that zhuangzi's "emotion" in the final analysis refers to is that the man is the life of the affection, love; Zhuang zi's "ruthless", it is to point to don't because crossing the gain and loss, likes and dislikes and internal damage is from his body, completely yielded to the nature, and don't think a thing apart to artificially gain with his own soul.

Key words chuang tzu; Love. To affection; Sentimental; significance
第2个回答  2012-04-19
Chuang-tzu's theory of""



Abstract:" love" is the Chuang-tzu thought is an important part, and on the "love" word meaning accurately mining, help us later scholars to accurately understand and grasp the" Chuang-tzu" philosophy of life. Chuang-tzu's" love" are complicated, Chuang-tzu called "love", as the first manifestation of ruthless, no false feelings, no privacy, no passions; but Chuang-tzu isn't really cruel, he is the pursuit of the truth and true; also because of love and affection, make him see the reality world, in the cruel reality of pain, Chuang-tzu eventually found their way out, is the rational treatment of love, once again stressed the heartless; but here the ruthless pointing to the final but still love, is to get rid of the pain, get beyond, so the opposite is heartless, road is the relentless love. Therefore, it can be said that Chuang-tzu 's" love" in the final analysis refers to people's feelings, life situation; Chuang-tzu's" ruthless", refers to not because the gains and losses fate, is not likes and dislikes from inside her body hurt, completely under natural, not think with worldly possessions to artificially gain his own life.

Key words: Chuang-tzu; truth; true; tragic; meaning