
姓名: 程璐 性别: 女
民族: 汉族 年龄: 23
身高: 163cm 出生日期: 1989-3-21
户籍: 黑龙江 学历: 本科
毕业学校: 黑龙江外国语学院 政治面貌: 团员
专业名称: 对外汉语(韩语方向) 毕业年份: 2012年6月
专业课程: 主修中国语言文学、韩语、口语、韩语概况,语言学概论、对外汉语教学概论、现代汉语、古代汉语、中国古代文学史等。
毕业院校: 黑龙江外国语学院 最高学历: 本科
受教育培训经 历: 起止时间 终止时间 学校(机构)
2008年9月 2012年6月 黑龙江外国语学院 中国语言文学系
2005年9月 2008年6月 虎林市实验高级中学
外语水平: 语种:韩语 等级:大学英语四级、六级 掌握程度 :良好
计算机能力: 通过全国计算机应用技术证书以及国家计算机二级认证;
证书名称 获得时间
国家秘书三级证书 2008年12月
自我评价: 本人思维敏捷,逻辑分析能力强,工作认真、负责,自学能力强,能承受一定工作压力;认真踏实负责,且具备优秀的表达能力。专业素质良好,遇事沉着冷静,能理性的看待和解决问题;能从容调整来自各方面的压力。为人诚恳、热心,善于交流与沟通,能快速融入团队工作。大胆假设,小心求证。

第1个回答  2012-03-26
Name: Cheng Lu gender: FemaleNationality: Han age: 23Date of birth: height:163cm1989-3-21Heilongjiang census register: Degree: BachelorGraduated school: Heilongjiang Institute of foreign languages: members of political affiliationProfessional name: Chinese as a foreign language (Korean direction) graduate year:2012JuneProfessional coursesProfessional courses: Chinese language and literature major in Korean, English, Korean, profiles, an introduction to linguistics, introduction to teaching Chinese as a foreign language, modern Chinese, ancient Chinese, ancient Chinese literary history.Education backgroundUniversity one is graduated from Heilongjiang College of foreign languages: the highest degree: BachelorEducation training the calendar: the start-stop time end time school ( mechanism )2008September2012June Heilongjiang Institute of Foreign Languages Department of Chinese language and Literature2005September2008June Hulin City Experimental High SchoolSkillsForeign language level: Language: Korean level: University English level Four, level six master degree: goodComputer skills: through the national computer application technology certificate and national computer level two certification;Can skilled use of Windows7 / XP operation platform, Office2003 and other office software;To effectively use the Internet resources.Certificate obtainedCertificate of access timeNational Computer Application Technology CertificateMandarin Level Test for a class BNational computer level two certificateUniversity English level Four certificateUniversity English level six certificateNational secretary certificate three2008DecemberIn 2009JuneIn 2010MarchIn 2010JuneIn 2011OctoberSelf evaluationSelf evaluation: I am thinking, logic analysis ability, work conscientiously, responsible, strong self-learning ability, can withstand certain working pressure; earnest responsible, and possess excellent communication skills. Professional quality sound, distress when they are calm and composed, can be rational to treat and solve problems; be able to comfortably adjust the pressure from all sides. Honest, enthusiastic, good at communication, can quickly into the team work. Bold hypothesis, careful.
第2个回答  2012-03-26
Name: Cheng Lu gender: Female

Nationality: Han age: 23

Date of birth: height:163cm1989-3-21

Heilongjiang census register: Degree: Bachelor

Graduated school: Heilongjiang Institute of foreign languages: members of political affiliation

Professional name: Chinese as a foreign language (Korean direction) graduate year:2012June

Professional courses

Professional courses: Chinese language and literature major in Korean, English, Korean, profiles, an introduction to linguistics, introduction to teaching Chinese as a foreign language, modern Chinese, ancient Chinese, ancient Chinese literary history.

Education background

University one is graduated from Heilongjiang College of foreign languages: the highest degree: Bachelor

Education training the calendar: the start-stop time end time school ( mechanism )

2008September2012June Heilongjiang Institute of Foreign Languages Department of Chinese language and Literature

2005September2008June Hulin City Experimental High School


Foreign language level: Language: Korean level: University English level Four, level six master degree: good

Computer skills: through the national computer application technology certificate and national computer level two certification;

Can skilled use of Windows7 / XP operation platform, Office2003 and other office software;

To effectively use the Internet resources.

Certificate obtained

Certificate of access time

National Computer Application Technology Certificate

Mandarin Level Test for a class B

National computer level two certificate

University English level Four certificate

University English level six certificate

National secretary certificate three2008December

In 2009June

In 2010March

In 2010June

In 2011October

Self evaluation

Self evaluation: I am thinking, logic analysis ability, work conscientiously, responsible, strong self-learning ability, can withstand certain working pressure; earnest responsible, and possess excellent communication skills. Professional quality sound, distress when they are calm and composed, can be rational to treat and solve problems; be able to comfortably adjust the pressure from all sides. Honest, enthusiastic, good at communication, can quickly into the team work. Bold hypothesis, careful.本回答被提问者采纳