
材料1. cheese口味的饼2. 鸡肉丝3.洗干净的生菜叶子4.奶酪丝5.沙拉酱6蕃茄切成片7.洋葱切成片8.胡萝卜切成片做法把饼放在盘子里,把切好的胡萝卜,番茄和洋葱片放在饼上。撒上一层沙拉酱,在放上鸡肉和生菜叶子,撒上奶酪,最后把饼卷起来就可以吃了。

第1个回答  2012-06-30
Material 1. Cheese bread tastes 2. Chicken wire 3. Wash lettuce leaf 4. Cheese silk 5. 6 tomato salad dressing sliced 7. Onion slices 8. The bread sliced carrots practice on the plate, put the slices carrot, tomato and onion slices on the bread. And a layer of salad sauce, put in the chicken and lettuce leaves, and cheese, finally the bread roll up and eat them.
第2个回答  2012-06-30
stuff :
1, cheese pie
2. chicken meat slice
3. washed lettuce
4. shredded cheese
6. tomato slice
7. onion slice
8. carrot slice
first, put the pie on the plate, second,plus the carrot, thmato, onion slice on it. Third,salada dressing, fourth,add chicken slice and lettuce, fifth, dress cheese, finally wrap up it, then you can eat it本回答被网友采纳