Stata 中文字符显示成问号,该怎么解决


第1个回答  2017-10-22
在开始用unicode之前是不能打开任何数据库的,否则Stata会提醒你data in memory would be lost 还有there must be no data in memory]
cd "D:\long term care\CHARLS\stata\data\household_and_community_questionnaire_data" 【先设置你的working directory】
unicode analyze psu.dta
(Directory ./bak.stunicode created; please do not delete)
File summary (before starting):
1 file(s) specified
1 file(s) to be examined ...
File psu.dta (Stata dataset)
2 str# variables need translation
File needs translation. Use unicode translate on this file.
File psu.dta needs translation
File summary:
1 file(s) need translation