


n a market economy, the development of accounting disciplines and closely related to the development of the securities market. Along with the development of capital markets of accounting information on the quality of accounting information users have become increasingly demanding, asset impairment accounting, therefore more and more attention. China's continuous changes in the last ten years in accounting policy for impairment of assets, January 1, 2007 listed companies in China started to implement the new accounting standards for impairment of assets. Implementation of the new accounting standards for impairment of assets will be more prudent to confirm the current earnings, the value of foundation assets, and more fairly reflect the operating results and financial position. On the other hand, the accounting policy for impairment of assets entrusted to the enterprise space more professional judgments, the relative subjective enterprise can decide the ratio of provision for impairment of assets and motivation. Impairment of Assets policy is therefore in the implementation process often choose accounting policies as one of the tools to manipulate earnings, therefore, to further standardize the use of asset impairment accounting for the earnings management inevitable.

Keywords: Impairment of Assets; surplus management; listed company; case studies
第1个回答  2009-04-17