摘 要:公共关系是一项专门的管理职能活动。通过对公共关系和与之密切相关的组织传播活动进行管理,实现组织与公众之间的相互信任关系,获得良好的企业形象,以促进组织战略目标的实现。从结构看,企业的公共关系可以分为:外部公共关系和内部公共关系。其中,内部公共关系是本文探讨的主要内容。通过上述对企业公共关系涵义的探讨,我们不妨这样理解内部公共关系:它是企业的一种专门管理职能,是企业为实现其既定战略目标和经营目标,基于与企业内部公众的各种利益关系而形成的一种客观的社会关系。
关键词:公关树立良好形象 公共关系
公共关系学 酒店公关关系
...将下面的中文翻译成英文,谢谢。在线等 只要准确就行
1.机械损伤1.保护装置 2.Staff wear protective equipment 3.Employees go through security training,examination of qualified mount guard.2.Burns staff wear labour protection.1.Staff wear protective equipment.2.Employees go through security training,examination of qualified mount guard.3.Standardi...
急!!! 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下!!! 谢谢啦!!!
英翻中:As I mentioned last email to you that I would like to import about tempered glass. Here is the size:...正如我上封信告诉你的,我想进口一批钢化玻璃,规格如下:I want to have the best price that you offer to me.If the price is reasonable, I want to buy small amount...
求英语高手帮忙翻译下~~~谢谢啊~~~线上等~~~ Turnover rate is higher than our expectation due to the reasons as stated in attached files. Sick leave rate is higher than our expectation by insreasing 5 cases, due to 4 employees are being hospitalized for hemorrhoids surgery and one are bein...
高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
1.我们有一只幸福的家庭.We have a happy family.2.我认为每个中国乒乓球运动员都是最棒的.I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll n...
I began to fall in love with you on your first TV plays, now I also like lisenning to your songs. I hope more excellent works made by you. I will never forget your pure and shining smile , which gives me a feeling of never-ending warmth and the power to strive .(我...
we send you these flowers 表达我们对你的敬意 to show our respect for you 送你一首动听的歌 we sing this pleasant song 给你带来一丝甜蜜 to bring you sweetness 老师您辛苦了 best wishes to you, teacher!是你带我们走过风雨 you lead us through wind and rain 是你用知识的营养将我们...
Through the blog, and the rise of the existing development on the outcome of the summary of the blog is that the reasons for the rapid rise. 并且近一步讨论了传统媒介面临的困境及现状。 And closer to the traditional media to discuss the plight and the status quo. 着重把博客和传...
In the morning, after a few of ChunLei played since spring under the first rain.昏暗的天空中慢慢下起了雨。A dark sky slowly in the rain.层层的乌云遮住了升起的太阳。Layers of dark clouds covered the sun rises.不一会儿,远近的景物都被迷蒙的雨雾笼罩了。Not and in a short while...
I hope to meet him as soon as possible.3. 除了我,人人都回来了。Everyone came back except me.4. 他只想出国深造,别无他求。He wants nothing but go abroad for further study.5. 我们当中没有人曾到过国外。None of us has been to overseas.6. 他提出要把自行车借给我。He offers...
In my memory, my first time to surf on-line was playing games with my friend. I felt that the internet was so amazing and interesting.I often watching movies on the internet, for it's so convinient to watch movies at home instead of going to a movie theater and pay for ...