中国四大名著的英文名分别是《Water Margin》水浒传、《Romance of the Three KingdomsThe Three Kingdoms Era》三国演义、《The Journey to the West》西游记、《A Dream of Red Mansions》红楼梦。1、Shuihuzhuan, one of the four famous works in China, is a long chapter novel with the Songj...
1、英文介绍 ourney to the West is the first Romantic chapter novel about gods and demons in ancient China.There are 100 copies of Journey to the West published in the Ming Dynasty without the author's signature.Wu Yuxuan, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, first proposed that the ...
明代天启三年黄正甫刻本《三国志通俗演义》关于他的著作,《西湖游览志□》称罗贯中"编撰小说数十种",又相传他有《十七史演义》的巨著。今存署名由他编著的小说有《三国志通俗演义》、《隋唐两朝志传》、《残唐五代史演传》、《三遂平妖传》。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 幸福de眩...
牛津书虫系列。英文原名都是什么?《牛津·书虫》格列佛游记 野性的呼唤 小妇人 大卫.科波菲尔 鲁宾孙漂流记 苔丝 象人 金银岛 苏格兰玛丽女王 不平静的坟墓 三怪客泛舟记 世界上最冷的地方 雾都孤儿 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 亡灵岛 阿拉丁和神灯(书虫二)爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记 双城记 德拉库拉(书虫二)爱情与金...
中文版如下:该作主要讲述了主人公鲁滨逊·克鲁索(Robinson Crusoe)出生于一个中产阶级家庭,一生志在遨游四海。一次在去非洲航海的途中遇到风暴,只身漂流到一个无人的荒岛上,开始了段与世隔绝的生活。他凭着强韧的意志与不懈的努力,在荒岛上顽强地生存下来,经过28年2个月零19天后得以返回故乡。
需要一些著名作品的简介 急啊(还有没翻译过来的)
需要一些著名作品的简介 急啊(还有没翻译过来的) 《海鸥》契柯夫简介Тургенев,Щедрин,Датоевский,СочеловЛисков我要的是作品的简介不要作者的简介哦快回答答的好的还有追加分呢... 《海鸥》 契柯夫 简介 Тургенев,Щедрин,Датоевск...
《飘》的简介。The eve of the civil war broke out in 1861, the daughter of tara miss scarlett falls in love with ASHLEY, the son of a manor, but ASHLEY chose scarlett's cousin, gentleness docile of Korea Melanie for a life partner. Scarlett out of envy, get married Korea ...
关于名著的英文简短介绍 记得一定要英文
《双城记》简介 A Tale of Two Cities occupies a central place in the canon of Charles Dickens's works.This novel of the French Revolution was originally serialized in the author's own periodical All the Year Round.Weekly publication of chapters 1-3 of Book 1 began on April 30,...
1、英语简介:Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures.It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty.It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals but with human characteristic.They travel west to India to ...
1、英文简介 A Dream of Red Mansions, a Chinese ancient chapter novel, also known as Stone Records, has been listed as the first of the four classical works in China.It is generally believed to be written by Cao Xueqin, a writer of the Qing Dynasty.With the rise and fall of...