
I think people have always found the future excited.Just think of some 1_
scince fiction books that have written on the subject.The 21st century 2_
will being wonderful advances in the world of informantion technology. 3_
We can see through the Internet that the amazing possibilities for communication 4_
and learning.Other exciting area is medical progress.It would be good 5_
to think of a world which cancer is no longer a frightening word.I'msure 6_
medical research will soon find cure for this disease.Apart from these 7_
technical developments,future is exciting on a more personal level too. 8_
Most young people think of their future with hope.Who knows that the future 9_
will bring in the way of jobs?The fact that we don't konw make it exciting. 10_
So yes,the future is exciting.

I think people have always found the future excited.Just think of some 1_ exciting
scince fiction books that have written on the subject.The 21st century 2_ have--are
will being wonderful advances in the world of informantion technology. 3_ being--be
We can see through the Internet that the amazing possibilities for communication 4_ that删除
and learning.Other exciting area is medical progress.It would be good 5_ other--another
to think of a world which cancer is no longer a frightening word.I'msure 6_ which--where
medical research will soon find cure for this disease.Apart from these 7_ 对的
technical developments,future is exciting on a more personal level too. 8_ the future
Most young people think of their future with hope.Who knows that the future 9_ that--what
will bring in the way of jobs?The fact that we don't konw make it exciting. 10_ make--makes
So yes,the future is exciting.
第1个回答  2007-08-14
第2个回答  2007-08-14
第3个回答  2007-08-14
好长阿 - -!!
第4个回答  2007-08-14
错 改
excited exciting
have are
being be
Other Another
is was
research researchs
that what
make makes