

第1个回答  2011-12-22
I am a student, study the lives of knowledge and learn to survival skill, learn the meaning of life.
I was the only one, I love myself, independent study, independent management, self-improvement, I want to do your best.
I am my little host, I love my father's mother and family, and I want to have a filial piety ` love and a thankful heart.
I'm XX, I love my school ` teachers and classmates. I want to adult become useful, like XX grow healthy and strong.
"I want to do has the tutelage of lovely
I'm Chinese, I love my country, I want to respect the flag, good sing the national anthem.
I am the world, I love blue sky blue ` ` green trees and sunshine, I will save resources, care for the environment, protect our happy earth home

如果都是学生, 希望帮到你, 也请采纳。 呵呵。
第2个回答  2019-12-26
第3个回答  2011-12-28
I am a student, learning the knowledge of life, learn survival skills, learn the meaning of life.

I'm the only one, I love myself, autonomous learning, self management, self improvement, I will do my best.

My little master, I love my father mother and relatives, I have filial piety, love and a thankful heart.

I am XX, I love my school, teachers and classmates. I want to adult material, like XX grow sturdily.

" I want to be cultured cute

I'm Chinese, I love my motherland, I will respect the national flag, sing the national anthem.

I am the world, I love the blue sky, green water, green trees and sunshine, I want to save resources, protect the environment, protect our beautiful earth.
第4个回答  2011-12-22
I am a student, learn the knowledge of life, lean the skills to survival, learn the meaning of life.
I am unique, I love myself, I want to study independently, to self-management, to self-improvement, I want to be the best of myself.
I am the little master of my family, I love my parents and relatives, I want to have a heart filled with love ,filial and greatful.
my name is XX, I love my school,my teachers and classmates, I want to become useful when growing up,just llike the XX grows.
I want to be a person of culture and loveliness.
I am a Chinese, I love my country, I want to respect the national flag, to sing the national anthem well.
I am a person live in the world, I love green trees , blue sky and the sunshine, I want to conserve resources, cherish the environment, protect our beautiful planet.
第5个回答  2011-12-22
I am a student, study the lives of knowledge and learn to survival skill, learn the meaning of life.
I am unique, I love myself,I study and manage myself independently, self-improvement, I want to do my best.
I am a little host in my family, I love my parents and families,I want to have a filial piety ` love and a thankful heart.
I'm XX, I love my school , teachers and classmates. I want to grow up and be a useful man, like XX grow healthy and strong. "I want to be a man whom has the tutelage of lovely.
I'm Chinese, I love my country,also respect the national flag, good sing the national anthem.
I am one of the world, I love blue sky ,clear water,green trees and sunshine, I will save resources, care for the environment, protect our beatiful earth.