
乔布斯追求完美,一些时候对同事尖酸、刻薄、挑剔。 “无论是对餐厅服务员,还是刚刚熬一整夜加班的人,他都可能会走过去说一句‘你全做错了,太糟糕了。’”艾萨克森在访谈中说,“你要是问他‘你为什么这样,就不能客气点?’他会说,‘我就想跟那些希望完美的人共事,这就是我’。”


In the right time to do the right thing and concentrate on the perfect, almost too demanding, the perfect combination of art and technology, brave broke the conventional thinking, with different ways of thinking about, this is Steve jobs.

He does things listen to his heart, do not accept the world to his positioning what to do, and not to do, been in the pursuit of perfection.

If entrepreneurs have what to learn, have a bit is jobs, frustration and failure from mistakes in grasp experience, do better next time. A lot of the wise failed will not play, retreated, hide, feel very shame... But Steve jobs experience every defeat, all learn lessons, and to come again. He is good at from the mistake of the past sum up lessons, this is the most worthy of our learning a little

Steve jobs in pursuit of perfect, some of his colleagues, caustic, picky. "Both for restaurant waiter, or just have a whole night work overtime, he may walk over and said that a 'you do it all wrong, too bad.......'" ai Saxony said in an interview, "and if you ask him, 'why are you in this way, it is not polite?' he says point, 'I just want to those who hope that the perfect person to work with, and this is where I'."

Steve jobs go, although this is apple's a big loss, but also worth all mankind miss because he changed the world. This is the passing of a genius, but he still especially spirit save, leave the world more precious wealth is innovation, innovation is the extraordinary courage and dedication spirit.