九年级上册英语 人教版新目标 Unit 5 Section B 3c的那个小作文怎么续写!!!

急急急急急!!!!!!!!!10分钟啊 早发者我加分!!!
打错了 不是目标上的 是课本上的那个!!!!!!

Hello,ladies and gentlemen, I'm very sorry about the mystery happening in Bell Tower Neighborhood. I'm the director of our local zoo. Last month three monkeys escaped from the zoo. They visited homes and made noises. They even left garbage in front of some houses. I am really sorry to make every one of you extremely worried and unhappy these days. To our great joy, today all of the three monkeys were caught and sent back to the zoo. I wish they won't forget their happy trip. It's possibly the most unforgettable experience for these three naughty monkeys.
第1个回答  2011-09-25
第2个回答  2011-09-25
= = 我7年级的