
就是一小段名著的节选 大概概括一下 再英语翻译一下就行了。 要三个。谢谢了

印象深刻的是这样的几个人物,代表美丽善良的姑娘--爱斯梅拉达。她不仅有迷人的外貌,更有一颗纯真善良的心灵,从她对待那只山羊,救下那个落魄的诗人,对于伤害过自己的卡齐莫多,送上的水和怜悯,对待爱情的牺牲,等,我们看到她是美丽的,她的身上心灵上没有污垢,她是没有被污染的。可是,这样的天使一样的姑娘,受到的是怎么样的对待呢?流浪,在最肮脏的环境里面生活,被所谓的上流社会排斥和嘲讽,被玩弄,被抛弃,被诬陷,被威胁,最后,作了彻底的牺牲。 The impressive people is such few people, Esmeralda- on behalf of the beautiful and kind-hearted girl. She not only has a lovely appearance, but also a purest good soul, from her treating to that goats, and saving to that impoverished poet, sending the warte and feeling to Qazi Mo who herted her. However, such a girl like an angel, how kind of treatment she get? Living in the most filthy environment, by the so-called upper class social exclusion, sneering, played, abandoned, framed, threated by the upper class, finally, sacrifice completely. 7. 书中描写了一个那样的社会,和在那个社会生活中的种种人物的状态,麻木的如那个弗比斯,最底层的如老鼠洞里的那几个隐修女,疯狂的副主教,还有尽全力反抗的最丑陋的卡齐莫多,副主教和卡齐莫多形成了人性上的鲜明对比,同样爱上了美丽的姑娘,同样的遭到了拒绝,他们的爱都是那么的热烈,那么的诚挚,可是,一个是占有,一个是奉献,已占有为目的的,当目的无法达到的时候,他想到的是毁灭,毁灭别人;以奉献为目的的,当无法奉献的时候,想到的也是毁灭,毁灭自己。 The Book describes a such society, and status of all kinds person in that social life which numbness like that Fu Bisi, such as rats at the bottom like those hidden nuns in of the hole of mouse, crazy vice bishop, and the most ugly Qazi MO who try his best to resist, the humanity of the vice bishop and Qazi more formed a sharp contrast, loving the beautiful girl alike, sufferring the accepted alike, their love are all so Warm, sincere, but one is possession, one is sacrifice, for the purpose of possession, when the purpose can not be achieved, they thought the destruction only. For the purpose of sacrifice, when they can do the sacrifice, they thought the destruction only, destructing theirselve. 8. 我想这也就是世界名著的真正魅力所在,他让人看到的不是一个简单的故事,他深刻的揭示了人类内心深处的一些活动,无论放在什么时候,什么社会,人的共性是始终存在的,对美好的向往,对美好的追求,对美好的赞美,人是一个天使和魔鬼的综合体,人和人的经历没有相同的,也就是说,社会本身就不可能让所有人享受到同等的待遇,这种不一样的待遇,让多少人的内心失去了平衡,失去了对美好的追求阿!林林总总的肮脏的巧取豪夺, 充斥着我们的眼睛,振荡着我们心灵,我们该怎么办? I think this is the real charm of the world-famous host, it can be seen a simple story by people, it reveals some activities in the depth of human hearts, no matter when it put, which society, the overall chararter of person is always existent, the aspiration for the fine, the pursuit for the fine, the praise for the fine, people is a complex of the devil devil the experience for people and people is not the same. that is, society will not allow all people to enjoy the same treatment, such a different treatment made how many people loss the balance, loss of the pursuit of a better life! A wide range of dirty predatory, Full of our eyes, surging our souls, how we do? 9.他是一个中等身材的文官,长的相当胖,大腹便便,保养的级好,脸上留着络腮胡子,嘴上却不留唇髭.他那个刮得干干净净,轮廓分明的圆下巴,看上去倒像脚后跟.他脸上最大的特征就是没有唇髭,只有光秃秃的,新近剃光的一块地方,那儿渐渐地与两个胖乎乎,颤悠悠,像果冻一样的腮帮子连成一片.他举止庄重,动作缓慢,态度温和.(契可夫写的,挂在脖子上的安娜) He was a mesosoma civilian, so fat, potbellied, maintenance is great. Keeping whiskers on face, but no moustache on lip. The clean and clear outline of his round chin , Looks like heel.the Largest features of his face is without the moustache on lip, only bald. The place which is shaved newly, it join with two fat chin which is like jelly, his behavior is solemn, slow, moderate attitude. (Chekhov wrote, Anna which hanging on the necks)