我爱你,而我想要的只是你刚好也爱我,仅此而已。 英文怎么写 最准确的


I love you. All I want is that you love me too. That‘s all I want.
第1个回答  2011-08-17
I love you. however i want nothing but your love to me. That's all/(nothing more).
第2个回答  2011-08-17
I love you ,while the only thing i am looking for is the moment that you say you love me. 我爱你但是我寻找的是你说你爱我的那一刻。你原话翻译是i love you but what i want is that you love me. 特土。
第3个回答  2011-08-17
i love you and all i want is u precisely loving me back, that's it.