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  背景条件:国家教育部大力推进信息技术教育,虚拟学校、远程教育等应运而生;重庆市教委大力普及信息技术教育,通过评选信息技术示范校加大力度;渝中区率先建立局域网,并通过已经实施了三年的“双创课题”研究,使教师的教学理念有了极大改观;随着课改的进一步深入,现代技术特别是信息技术在教育教学中得到了广泛的应用。基础条件:我校通过一年多的艰苦奋斗,信息技术无论在硬件上,还是软件上,都打下了坚实的基础:硬件上:我校建成了以光纤为网络骨干,采用千兆高速以太网,集视频教学、监控、信息服务、学校管理于一体的校园网络,实现了“班班通”;全校所有的教室都安装了数字投影机、实物展示台、100英寸电动玻珠屏幕、多功能讲台、监控摄像机、29英寸电视机,上课教师人手一台笔记本电脑。软件上:我校初步建成了具有求精特色的 “教育信息资源库”,包括《k12学科资源库》、《数字图书馆》、《信息技术与课程整合》电子期刊等大型教育数据库、试题库、资料库,涵盖国情教育、心理咨询、青春期教育、健康教育、艺术教育、升学指南、教育法规等教育信息库,能充分满足现代教育管理和一线教学的需要。人员上:我校成立了信息技术中心,配备了专业人员,无论从理论上,还是实践上,都有相当造诣。信息技术中心,对全校教职员工进行了信息技术素质修养和实际操作的培训,全校教职员工基本掌握信息技术教育,能满足在网络环境下进行教育教学的需要。

Basic education in a networked environment model research
First, the topics of this issue based on
The quality of education in the modern situation, the quality of educational services for the construction of modern, well-functioning education system, teaching resources, expanded space for independent learning, the development of a variety of student ability, especially in innovation, has become a high school education must be study. Modern information technology, especially the rapid development of computer network technology, so that our mode of education produced a qualitative leap in networking education will become an important symbol of the information age and components. Exploration, research and build suitable for the computer network environment of education and teaching, the education sector needs to address the issue, but also our responsibility to the mission. In the era of online education, not only advanced science and teaching methods, effective interactive teaching methods, but needs plenty of useful teaching resources, a complete teaching system. In a networked education environment, teachers should become a dominant force in online education. At present, our teachers in information technology, online education is not yet familiar with the use of the network implementation of distance education and teaching there, especially the establishment of "in the network environment, a new model of education" has yet to be started, based on this, we propose the subject of research.
Second, the conditions of this research
To carry out this research has the following advantages:
Background conditions: the Ministry of Education to vigorously promote information technology education, virtual schools, distance education came into being; Chongqing Municipal Education Commission to vigorously popularize information technology, education, information technology through the selection of model schools intensify; Yuzhong District established the first local area network, and through the already implemented a three-year "double hit issue" research, so that teachers teaching philosophy has been greatly improved; With the further deepening of curriculum reform, modern technology, especially information technology in education has been widely used. Basic conditions: I am more than a year of hard work by the school, information technology both in hardware or software, have laid a solid foundation: hardware: our school built a fiber optic backbone network, using Gigabit Ethernet high-speed network, set video teaching, monitoring, information services, school management in one of the campus network, to achieve a "classes in communication"; school All classrooms are equipped with digital projectors, physical Showcase, 100 inches electric bead screen, multi- function podium, surveillance cameras, 29-inch TV, school teaching staff and a laptop computer. Software: I built a school with a refinement of the initial characteristics of the "educational information resources", including "k12 academic resources", "Digital Library", "Information technology and curriculum integration" e-journals and other large educational databases, test database , database, covering national education, counseling, adolescent education, health education, arts education, school guidance, education, regulations and other educational information database, can fully meet modern educational management and front-line teaching. Personnel: the school I set up an information technology center, equipped with a professional, whether in theory or in practice, there are quite accomplished. Information technology center, school of information technology staff for the quality of training and practical training, basic school staff in information technology education in a networked environment to meet the education needs of schools.
Third, the research problem to be solved
1, the concept of problem: With good hardware environment, if the concept is not updated, only "medication", it lost its research value. The issue of teacher education must focus on the concept of updates to solve the problem.
2, the theoretical problem: the lack of scientific education in the current network, the system of educational theory as a guide, this issue should be in practice, creative application of existing theory, continue to explore, summarize, summarized, summarizes, for the formation of the concept of online education, in principle, and strategies.
3, technical issues: information technology, by definition, is highly technical. How skilled teachers, technology and the superb quality education closely to develop knowledge-based economy needs to adapt to the talent, is a question worthy of serious discussion. In this issue hope to make some contribution to this area.
4, the practical issues: the network is a new environment, how this platform to create a line with their actual education teaching, need to practice constantly sum up, unrealistic to imitate others, copy others, is not desirable. The subject of efforts to promote the practice of teachers.
第1个回答  2011-11-15



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